Science, asked by Anonymous, 11 months ago

Essay on harmful effects of watching television


Answered by Anonymous


"Harmful effects of watching television"

As we know that there are so many bad effects of watching television. After knowing this there are many people who still watch it to much, which results in many diseases and problems in them.

Children leave their work and seat near it, to watch it. Due to this their mind deviate from their studies resulting in loose of their studies. Not only children but elders also leave their work to watch television.

Because of television children don't went outside to play games. Due to this obesity is increasing in them day by day. Not only obesity but disesaes like migraine, irritation in eyes etc. are also increasing in them.

Children easily get influenced by what shown in television and also start developing them in their life. They also learn want to be look like them due to this they start many wrong things like snatching, kidnapping, murdering etc. to become rich easily.

Television was built so that we can know about what was done in other countries and our country means to get information it was developed. But we were using it wrongly. It's depend upon our hands that how we use it. If we use it wrongly then it may cause many problems/disease to us. So, we don't have to watch too much TV.



Answered by aradhyasingh1


Pls marks me as a brainlist!!


Watching television is a favourite pastime of many people. Some adults like watching the news and sports while others like watching movies and dramas. Children, on the other hand, are most interested in superhero shows and cartoons. Although watching television is fun, sitting in front of the television for long hours is not a healthy habit and can cause a lot of issues.

Watching television continuously for several hours can strain our eyes and lead to eyesight problems. It is also linked to obesity as it is observed that people who watch too much television have a tendency to overeat. This can cause health issues like diabetes and heart diseases in the long run.

Most of the shows on television are for entertainment and do not add any value to our lives. Instead of spending hours watching such shows, we can use that time to learn new skills, exercise, read books or catch up with our family and friends. Many programs also show violence, criminal activities and mature content which can harm children if they watch it.

Watching too much television kills creativity and imagination as well as alters brain development in children. It can also cause a lack of focus and lead to poor work performance.

We should not watch television for long hours and should stay away from negative, violent and graphic content. Parents should also monitor the content that kids consume. Television is for entertainment, we should not let it negatively impact our health and well-being.

I hope this will help you!!

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