English, asked by SarangJamila1306, 1 year ago

essay on honesty and hard work of sportsman


Answered by Darkgirl52
A sportsman must be true to his game for being successful. Using unfair methods like drugs, cheating tricks, foul play etc can bring temporary achievements but kill the long term growth of a sportsman.

A lazy sportsman never made his mark in any discipline. Hardworking attitude is very essential to reach new milestones and create new records. It takes hours of practice for a small 100 metres race.

Honesty in sports helps a sportsperson to rectify their flaws and shortcomings which in turn leads to improvement of skills.

Hard work is a constant input to succeed in sports.

With hard work, one can brush and sharpen their skills and abilities to miraculous levels.

Both are two essential ingredients in the life of a sportsperson.

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Answered by Anonymous
Honesty is the quality of being honest, truthful and sincere throughout the life. It is necessary for a person to be honest for himself as well as others. Honesty itself brings lots of good qualities in the person and makes able to tackle any bad situation in the life with full courage and confidence that’s why it is called as “honesty is the best policy”.

How Honesty benefits a Person

Following are the points proving the fact that how honesty benefits a person. Honesty is a good habit which a person must acquire to get several benefits in life such as:

Honesty makes a person of good health and happiness. Being honest makes mind free from worries, tension and stress of being caught for the act of dishonesty. In this way, it keeps away from stressful life and several diseases (like high blood pressure, fatigue, weakness, weak immune system, diabetes, etc).It helps in maintaining the peace of mind. Honesty motivates a person to live without fear and free of all the problems. However, dishonesty makes a person lack of mental peace and internal satisfaction. Honesty develops positive attitudes to take better decisions and improve quality of life.Honest people are really loved, trusted, respected and cared in the society and family. Their personal, working and corporate relationships become strong and trustworthy.Being honest promotes goodwill and positive energy in the body and mind.Honesty helps to make better place in the people’s heart, family, society and nation. It helps to make strong interpersonal relationship with positive people.It removes all the negativities from mind by improving mental health.Honest people easily attract and influence others towards them.It brings transparency in the life, awakens real powers and talent of a person. An honest person easily realizes his divine purpose of life and achieves salvation.It keeps one close to another.


Dishonesty is not good, it may benefits a person in the starting however does not have nice result. Dishonest people are curse to the society and nation as they ruin whole system of society. Practicing honesty in the life is always supported by all the religions. Dishonest people can never be religious as they are not faithful to their religion. Honest people always become faithful and trustworthy in all the aspects of their life.

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