Essay on how I made Diwali special for slum childrens????
How I made Diwali special for slum children?
I made my Diwali special by celebrating it differently. With every new day gone and lived, I have become wiser. Know I have come to know the secret to eternal happiness. The secret is making others happy. Happiness comes manifolds multiplied back to you in the measure you give it to others. So, I never miss an opportunity to make others happy. I try to celebrate my festivals and important days with other people, especially the less privileged.
This time I celebrated my Diwali by visiting slum children. I carried along with me as many lights, sweets, and gifts as my means allowed. I distributed these things among the slum children and people. Though a crowd rushed to me, yet I was able to bring smile on many faces by gifting them the good gifts. And I felt an inexplicable happiness and contentment after that. If I say this Diwali was the most meaningful and contented Diwali, I am not exaggerating. I have decided I will celebrate all my festivals in similar manner on larger scale.
Diwali special for Slum Childrens:
Diwali is the most important and joyous celebration of Hindus in India. It is a celebration of light and lamps. Children play with crackers and distribute sweets among friends and relatives. Slum children are pitiful as they don’t even get old clothes to wear whereas all the others wear new clothes and celebrate Diwali.
So, I wished to make them happy by giving my old dresses which are new for them and bought sweets and crackers. As soon as they saw all these, they were happy and jumped in joy and excitement. They enjoyed the day of Diwali. I felt very satisfied on seeing their happiness and joy.