English, asked by shineyp8p2l0ru, 1 year ago

Essay on how to develop positive attitude towards your family ( minimum 200 words)


Answered by bishtvickykvs11
A positive attitude can go a long way to make you happier overall. To develop a positive attitude, you need to learn to control it. You may also want to spend some time learning to value yourself and your time, as that can contribute to a more positive outlook on life. Another way to increase your positive attitude is to find ways to deal with stress, as stress encourages you to think more negatively.

Method One of Three:
Learning to Control Your Attitude

Understand how your attitude affects your life. Your attitude towards life determines how happy or unhappy your are. You can't always change what happens to you, but you can change how you react to what happens to you.[1] You make a choice each time you are faced with a situation.[2]

For instance, say you get a flat tire. Nobody likes dealing with a flat, but you have options for how you react to the situation. You can get mad and throw a fit, elevating your blood pressure, and then go get your tire changed. If you get mad, you'll spend some time very unhappy.

On the other hand, you can chock it up to a normal part of life, take a deep breath, and go get your tire fixed. By not reacting, you won't spend that time angry. In fact, you can turn it into something positive. Maybe while you're fixing your tire, you can catch up on a good book you haven't had a chance to read in awhile. [3]
Frame events in a positive way. The way you talk about events can affect your attitude. For instance, if you talk or think about an event in a negative way, you'll continue to think about it in a negative light. However, if you talk about it positively, you'll begin to change your attitude about it.[4]

For example, say you get an upsetting email early in the morning. You could think, "Well, that means this day is going to be awful." On the other hand, you could think, "Well, that was bad, but my day can only go up from here." The event remains the same, but how you think about it moving forward can affect your attitude.

Change your language. Words such as "I can't do that" encourage you to think that way. If you say something is impossible, you'll likely believe it. Instead, use positive language, such as, "I can do this if I take it step by step."[5]

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