essay on human relationship
It is known that human relations play a significant role in the life of any individual because any human activity is focused on providing services, and in some cases, relationships are more important for individuals than products. The term human relations can be defined as all types of interactions between human beings, including social and interpersonal relations (conflicts, cooperative work and group relationships), according to Barry L. Reece, Rhonda Brandt and Karen F. Howie
The study of human relations can help to better understand how to achieve success in career. It has been found that it is very difficult to develop and apply the appropriate human skills needed in today’s workplace which is characterized as diverse workplace, based on teamwork. The employees have to work with clients, customers, co-employees who vary in their age, values and beliefs, communication styles and cultural background, gender and social status. The study of human relations is associated with such behavioral sciences as sociology, psychology, anthropology, etc. However, the field of human relations not only defines problems, but helps to anticipate and resolve these problems, or avoid these problems. The study of human relations is important in personal and professional life because “this field emphasizes knowledge that can be applied in practical ways to problems of interpersonal relations at work and in our personal life” (Reece et al. 9). The major issues that can be discussed in the study of human relations include communication, motivation, self-awareness, self-acceptance and self-disclosure, trust and conflict resolution, according to Reece et al. (16). These issues can help in personal growth and development and in achieving the major organizational goals. Effective human relations combine the appropriate knowledge, personal experience, skills, and attributes.
Humans have interesting relationships among each other. Experts and researchers explore situations and environments that encourage or promote relationship change. Humans experience change for various reasons. This varies upon personal belief. Some feel changing relations has to do with human evolution and how people help form new concepts in the future. As time changes it is likely relationships among humans will change. The idea behind the concept is explored by specialists that understand human behavior and the type of environment it is most likely to occur.
One element that influences relationship change among humans is environment. Humans tend to have positive relations when the environment encourages it. This will vary but examples include growing up in a good home with a loving family or being part of a group that shares similar interests. The environment can relate to the city a person lives in to cultural differences part of their upbringing. Some may feel how a person is treated and how they deal with it is a significant part of relationship change. This along with environmental aspects can help others understand how and why humans experience changing relations.
Changing relationship among humans can relate to how people relate to each other. There are different sides to this concept of feeling as if you want to be alone. Other types of relationships may include some type of abuse or habit of treating people poorly because they are different. Some people feel they do not want to engage in any type of relationship with another person. They want to be left alone. In short, there are relationships among humans some feel are unacceptable, but more of them are becoming normal in society.