essay on if i were a bird in 100 words
First of all, if I was a bird, I would fly to all the places I have ever wanted to visit but never had the chance. One of the places I would like to visit would be the Serengeti in Tanzania and the Mara in Kenya. I believe that the wildebeest migration is the most beautiful thing in the world. The many clips I have watched on YouTube have always made me jealous of the people who have had the opportunity to visit the place and witness the magnificent migration. As a bird, however, I would get the opportunity to witness the whole migration from above. Everything looks beautiful from above and the breathtaking site of watching the animals migrating is indeed something I would do as a bird.
Secondly, I am a person who likes to see people happy at all times. Birds often see people crying alone in parks and while they are unaware of the feelings some of us harbor, it would help if one would come and settle on, for example, my shoulder during such moments. If I were a bird, I would never entertain such sights. I would try my best and make sure that I have cheered at least one person every day. I would attempt the weird dances that human beings go crazy about and make sure that I leave every person I visit smiling. Man’s mind is quite complex but everyone is amazed when an animal does something that we deem ours. Therefore, I would watch and learn man’s weird ways and try and mimic them.
Lastly, if I were a bad, I would like to have the eyes of a hawk, the flying ability and sharp eyesight of an eagle, and still maintain the beauty of a flamingo. Hawks have big eyes and while they might seem scary, they are also quite beautiful and look like they do not like to be tricked. Everyone admires the flying ability of an eagle. Eagles are able to fly higher than any birds and their sharp eyesight allows them to see even the tiniest of details on the ground. However, unlike the eagle which could also be scary, I would like to be beautiful like the flamingo. People admire flamingos and everyone wants to play and even touch them whenever the chance arises. I would like to be a weird and paradoxical bird which would scare and still make people comfortable and happy.
I were a bird I would like to be the King of the birds. I would fear no man or beast. I would not want to be one type of bird; I would want to have the best qualities of all birds. I would like to sing like a nightingale, move as fast as a hummingbird, and dance as well as a peacock. I would like to be happy, colorful, melodious, and free.
I would fly around the world. I would feel the cool air elevate me to great heights. I would dive and plunge towards the ground only to swoop back up. I would perch on the top of the tallest trees and gaze as far upon the earth as my eyes would allow and I would fly upwards to view more. I would fly alone and hunt for my prey.
I would make my home on the tallest mountain and behold my land. I would sleep soundly under the full moon. I would rise early and drink fresh cold water from the streams. No wild beast would scare me away. I would fly so high in the air that the clouds would brush against my back. I would feel the sunshine on my face. I would help free other birds from captivity and release them into the wild. I would be their guide and their friend.
I would bathe in the warmest springs and dry myself under the sun. Occasionally playing and hunting with other birds. I would experience all weathers and migrate during winter. Discovering new places and meeting new species of birds would be my quest. I would fly to the waterfalls in Amazon and witness the numerous colorful birds whose species aren’t even known to man. I would catch fishes from streams and I would experience all the freedom of living life as nature intended. No chains will bind me.