English, asked by Manishkumar94308, 1 year ago

essay on if i were the prime minister​


Answered by danishthelegend

I wish I were the Prime Minister of India so that I might serve my country in most humble manner. The Prime Minister enjoys the highest place in the Government of Minister who has the real power invested in him by the people of the country. he is the captain of the team of ministers who head various departments of the country. a Prime Minister should be a person with all the quantities of head, heart and soul. He should be the benefactor of the masses. Any selfish motive on behalf of the Prime Minister can put the country into irrepairable losses.

As a Prime Minister of India I would see that the poverty is vanished from this land for ever and people get at least two square meals a day.

As a Prime Minister I would work to bring about communal harmony in the country. People would not fight in the name of religion. Caste or language. I would take effective steps to check communal riots. My next step would be to fight corruption which is rampant these days throughout the country.

My next priority as a Prime Minster would be that India continues to acquire strength so that she can face internal disturbances and external aggression from any quarters. I would not allow any complacence in this regard, because a weak nation always invites invaders. Armed forces of the country would be well – provided in all respects so that no enemy dares have evil designs against our sovereignty.

However, I would continue to follow the policy of peaceful co-existence and maintain friendly relations with our neighboring countries like China, Pakistan, Srilanka and Bangladesh. India would not join any power blocs but she would always take keen interest in the non- aligned movement. She would work for the welfare of mankind and endeavour to bring about a new economic order so that the developed countries of the world may not exploit the developing countries.

India is a country with a glorious past and it should be our effort to preserve our cherished culture and safeguard our independence and integrity through all possible effort. The spirit of true nationalism needs to be improved in the people to work for its progress by leaps and bounds and fulfil the dreams of our great leaders who sacrificed their lives for her freedom.

Answered by ishakhan

india is a developing country in which new new technologies nd other things grow up.as we already know that through these all things popularity increase which enhance the poverty in our country..also girls crime ,murder, theifing,kidnapping increasing day by day..hence we want a youngster in the face of prime minister because he learned recently about that hence he/she have a good idea about these thing..as new generation still for these things so country will be develop in a good manner.thus I will be the PM so I can focus on the poverty and crime cases first.I recommended too strict rules for culphirits.and try to increase the employees for people..i also focus on education and health system

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