Essay on importance of newspaper for kids
we get information of the forthcoming movies and television shows through a newspaper . it also contains a list of multiplexes with time-lapse schedu
le for the movie
the diginity and reputation of a newspaper rests on the degree of their fidelity to truth and fearless is a cheapest and most powerful weapon in the last anaylsis.
Each morning a large number of people begin their day with a tryst with their daily newspaper. A cup of tea/coffee and your newspaper in hand transforms your day.
Newspapers are a source of knowledge of the world we live in. At a glance you are aware of current events in your locality, your state, your country and the world, outer space also being included! Even though we have access to the news on T. V. or the internet, it cannot be compared to turning pages of a newspaper.
Apart from news, a newspaper helps to mould public opinion. A good editorial often awakens the conscience of its readers. Proper reporting and compelling pictures and articles, of rapes, dowry deaths, need for proper infrastructure in schools etc. can initiate instant action and bring about a change in society.
Beyond the serious side of a newspaper, we have the lighter side in the form of cartoons, short stories etc. Numerous advertisements add to the glamour of a newspaper. We rely on the newspaper for its updates on water and power shut downs, T. V. programmes and movie schedules, various exhibitions and music shows and a variety of sports features just to name a few. Most people will agree with me when I say we are truly addicted to our newspapers.