essay on my speciality of country
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To be told apparently “ India is the land of speciality “. I am not just telling it as a citizen of India,it is the true words of foreigners visiting India.
First of all “Tradition and culture “ of indians is the most respectable thing across globally.
LANGUAGES : Innumerable languages are the real beauty of India. Many might think this as a disadvantage. But it simply explains the Linguistic richness of india. It is real that there is no such country has this much of languages that various from State to state. I want to add that after independence,sardhar vallabhai Patel separated the states only based on languagesDRESS STYLE : Dress for both men and women is different from State to state. Here dress is not a style , it is completely relating to tradition. Saree is the most unique Indian dress.FOOD ITEMS : Food items are the most special in India in which It will take more than one month just to categorize the food items. The Indian food is itself a medicine.TEMPLES : Temples are the Heart of Indian tradition. Temple architecture is the most admirable and cannot be built even in the presence of advanced technologies.MONUMENTS: Tajmahal and other monuments are the world famous architectures.DANCES: Each state has unique dances which depicts epic stories.CLASSICAL MUSIC: It is like an Ocean where more than 10 years of serious practious is needed to expertise in this extraordinary music.ENRICHED HOLY SCRIPTS : India is an Ocean of holy books like Vedas,Ramayana, Mahabharata, Upanishads,Puranas ,etc.,DRAMA AND MOVIE : Drama of epics were famous before independence and movies in each States has its speciality names such as Bollywood, kollywood,Tollywood,Sandalwood,Bojpuri,etc.,LAND OF RELIGION : All religions are followed here. Hinduism is the mostly followed RELIGION. Many religions like Sikkism,Jainism,Budhismhas origin in India.INDIA IS THE LAND WHERE EVERY THING IS SEAN AS “SPRITUAL” AND EACH ACTIVITY IS RELEATED TO PURE FAITH ON GOD.INDUS VALLEY CIVILIZATION : world's oldest CIVILIZATION is indus valley civilization. Based on this name our country known as India.GREAT SAINTS: As told before it is LAND OF SPIRITUALITY Where many SAINTS like Vivekanandha,Adisankarar,ramanujar,Ramakrishna paramahamsa,etc., were born here.GREAT SCIENTIST AND SCHOLARS : world's first noble prize for literature was given to Rabindranath Tagore and many noble prize winners like sir.c.v.Raman,various scholars are born in indiaMILITARY FORCE AND ISRO : These are the Two prides of Indians. Isro is reaching its height going to beat NASA. Military of India is unexplainable force that protects crores and crores of Indian citizens and provides safe life.NON VIOLENCE : over 200 years India has not invaded any nation. Mahatma Gandhi used this NON - VIOLENCE to get freedom from Britain. “ INDIA IS A PEACE LOVING NATION”.SPIRITUAL EDUCATION: India teaches how spirituality is mixed to the life with scientific reasons.MEDICINAL PRACTISE (LAND OF HERBS) : Medicine is made of natural herbs and various practisions called Ayurvedham,sidhavaidhyam,etc., are even now practisoning here which doesnot provides any side effects on taking medicines made of herbs.LAND OF NATURAL RESOURCES : On seeing the availability of abundent natural resources,Britishers and other foreigners invaded India.LAND OF MOUNTAINS AND RIVERS: mountains like Western and Eastern mountains,vidndhya,satpura,etc., are popular mountains and rivers like Ganga,Yamuna,cauvery,Brahmaputra,etc., are the perineal rivers.HIMALAYAS: Himalayas is the highest mountain range and mt everest is the world's highest peak.but Himalaya is now considered to be in Nepal border .LOVE AND AFFECTION : love and affection among people is the greatest speciality of Indians. Character of humanity is India's uniqueness.AGRICULTURE: world's leading agricultural country is India. It is the backbone for indian economy.WIDE RANGE OF FLORA AND FAUNAFESTIVALS : Festivals brings the real heaven to earth. It imparts spirituality and uniqueness among the people.LARGEST DEMOCRATIC COUNTRY : It is the largest democratic country in the world.INDIAN OCEAN: Only Ocean which named after a country name is Indian Ocean.APART FROM ALL THESE SPECIALITIES “PATRIOTISM OF INDIANS “ STANDS UNIQUE AND UNITY IS ACHIVED AMONG THE DIVERSITY.
JAI HIND !!!!!!!!!!!!
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