English, asked by sanadang34, 1 year ago

essay on nature conversation


Answered by manish0071

Nature fulfils our basic requirement to live by providing us air, water, land, sunlight and plants. These resources are further used to manufacture various things that make life more convenient and comfortable for the human beings. Unfortunately, man has grown so engrossed in over-utilizing these resources to invent newer things that he has almost forgotten the importance of conserving them. As a result, many of these resources are depleting at a fast pace and if it continues this way then the survival of human beings as well as other living beings on Earth would become very difficult.

Conservation of nature means the preservation of forests, land, water bodies and conservation of resources such as minerals, fuels, natural gases, etc. to ensure that all these continue to be available in abundance. There are many ways in which the common man can help in the conservation of nature. Here are some of those that can be done easily and can make a huge difference:

Restrict Usage of Water

Water must be used wisely else that day wouldn’t be far when we will have to pay a huge price for it. Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth, limit the number of showers, use the waste RO water to water the plants or clean the house so as to ensure wise usage of water.

Limit Usage of Electricity

Limiting the usage of electricity is also essential for the conservation of nature. Simple things such as turning off the electric appliances when they are not in use and switching to energy saving lights, such as LED lights, to save electricity can help in this direction.

Plant Trees and Grow Vegetables

It is advised to plant as many trees as possible to make up for those that are cut each day. Also grow vegetables at home to restrict the usage of chemical fertilizers used in professional farming.

Besides these, people can do their bit by limiting the usage of paper, employing rain water harvesting system, restricting usage of cars and lastly by spreading awareness about the conservation of nature.

Answered by BrainlyHeroSumit

Some of the resources we have got from nature are called Natural resources. Air, sunshine, water, land, animal, vegetation, soil, metals, petroleum and minerals are the examples of natural resources.These resources are essential for the survival on this earth with no production and some are with no limitations like sunshine, air, land, soil and water.Human cannot produce or make natural resources but can use it in such manner to produce other essential resources that are important for our life. Wood obtained from trees can be used for making important things for life like house furniture and paper. Oil is refined, so that can be used for cooking food. Minerals and metals are used for making usable things for our daily life like coins, steel and jewellery, land soil and water are used for plantation of trees and with the use of plants and trees we get vegetables and fruits; sunshine is used for producing solar energy.Natural resources are of two types one that can be regained or reproduced is called Renewal Resources and other that cannot be regained is called Non renewal Resources. Wood, vegetation, animal, water, air and sunlight are the example of Renewal resources. Some of these are reproduce with low rate or low frequency and higher consumption rate of them may be the cause of non availability of natural resources in future like water, fresh air, plants and animal. Coal, minerals, metals and petroleum are counted in list of non-renewal resources which are limited in quality and hidden under the land of this earth.Using and consuming natural resources should be managed in such manner that rate of production would always more than rate of consumption especially in matter of plants, animals, fresh air and water. Non-renewal resources are very limited in quantity and cannot be recollected from nature at any cost. Even renewal resources should also be consumed with extra care by keeping in mind the importance of these resources for our life.

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