English, asked by manyagadiya, 8 months ago

essay on planet in crisis​


Answered by hinahitesh1981


It is argued that what turns a significant event into a crisis is when it affects you. When tragedy touches someone else in an unfamiliar part of the world, it’s somehow less of a crisis and more just “a shame.” “What a shame about those attacks! Think of it—here, in this country... Well, I must take the dog for a walk ...”

Genocide in Rwanda is a tragedy of immense proportions, but it’s easy to see it as somebody else’s problem when you’re removed from it by thousands of kilometres. A tornado, flood or fire devastating someone else’s town is disastrous. But when it smashes through yours—and it’s you who’s sifting through the ruins of your home picking photos out of the mud and you don’t have a place to sleep or clean water to drink—then it’s a crisis.

On many levels we’ve reached a crisis point as a planet. The reason this is important to realise is that in the Bible, Jesus went to great lengths to point out observable indicators that would portend the end of the world and His return to earth.

And what Jesus revealed then indicates strongly that we’re now living in the time to which He then referred.

Having spoken of signs in the religious world, of international conflicts, natural disasters and disease, He announced His second coming by saying, “When you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door” (Matthew 24:33; italics added).

It certainly isn’t alarmist to believe we’re living in the crisis that precedes the return of Jesus. And wisdom suggests that people should read such signs for what they are: indicators that time is short for Planet Earth, even if we don’t know just how brief that might be.


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Answered by saieeshroyalg


We live a crisis that fundamentally encompass every sphere, or dimension of Man; Physically, too many, economically, too much, with big inequalities, educationally, too little, politically, a joke, our governments not only do nothing, they are big part of the problem, spiritually, totally bankrupt. I will not add more dimensions since we are lacking  in almost everything, but it’s easy to see the thread to our maladies, form ancient times through religion we have been told that Man it’s the Vice-regent of God on Earth, well I know some people would argue this point, but it’s of no doubt our responsibility in this crisis, we want it or not, we are now responsible of what it’s happening in this crisis, so it’s time to grow up, and act as responsible adults, period.

This entitle us to each one of us to act responsibly and fulfill our duties as managers if you dislike the term Vice-regent and start facing up responsibility in our daily living, or our own survival as a specie will be in doubt.This means to live with no waste, less growth (sorry for those who believe we have to live with more, we no longer can afford to deplete the finite natural resources like water, food, and biodiversity to make your pockets bigger at the expense of a degradation, and ultimately endangerment of life on Earth) The party it’s over time to clean up the mess and look for a way to solve the crisis, one thing it’s certain our way of life has to be different.

Our leaders in government can’t be drive by greed and following outdated economical models, the goals of economy policies need to be rewritten, in accordance with the new scientific ecological conservationism efforts in mind, forget the idea of running government as a business model, it’s not working, and is responsible of the crisis. Conservation, and wise management of resources should trump greed, and a right to destroy in order to profit.

Economics of small scale, and strategic planning to reduce  our impact onwaste, of non renewable resources should be implemented. As for the efficacy of producing wealth, this should be of no concern or at least secondary, immediate action to reduce population in the form of regulation of birth control  world wide should be adopted as soon as possible.

Education should be an effort worldwide, revision, and elimination of outdated forms of education needs to be eliminated as our current models in our centers of education, teaching ecological conservation, and sustainable economical models rather than the old let’s rip mother Earth apart in order to make a buck need to be discarded totally. The selling of our natural resources by our governments in the form of concessions to companies and capital to despoil nature should not exist,  or only be lightly penalized for despoiling Earth, but criminalized heavily to deter perpetrators, waste regulations of any kind strictly enforced.

I know all this may seem  radical, and too much for conservative minds to take, but in fact I believe that only will take a few years for more, and bigger catastrophes  to make clear this state of affairs can’t continue, imagine this; having to abandon the city you love, and your property, justbecause either there is no water to sustain life, or there is too much of it and you are underwater!


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