essay on plant of rice
The plant of rice is a grass it is grow in
Moist soil and low Land which are
flooded at particular season. It is grown
in abundance in India, China and japan
where it is used as the chief article of
food. In england it is used for preparing
pudding and thickening soap.
Plants are the silent workers of our planet, they want to live and also help others (animals including human beings) to live. They have well-developed metabolic system, which includes both anabolism (synthesis) and catabolism (breakdown). On the other hand, animals have only catabolic system.
Anabolic system, like photosynthesis, is present in most of the plants and catabolic system, like respiration, is present in all plants. Photosynthesis is dependent on light, but the respiration occurs both day and night (throughout their life period). Photosynthesis requires CO2, water, chlorophyll and light. Plants can absorb CO2 from the atmosphere and also utilize the CO2 produced from its own respiration.