English, asked by shatakshi4882, 1 month ago

essay on political stability and financial growth in Odisha ​


Answered by shreyasengupta1862

Odisha Economic Survey, 2020-21 presents the challenges, opportunities and performance of

different sectors of the State’s economy. The State endeavours to achieve sustainable and inclusive

growth, remove regional disparity, reduce poverty and put in place an effective public service

delivery mechanism and fast track infrastructure development. The survey provides an insight into

the developmental efforts of the state government to fulfill the rising aspirations of the people for

improvement in the quality of their life and realize their dream of a resurgent Odisha.

The economy of Odisha has grown at 7.1 percent per annum during the period 2012-13 to 2019-

20 (at constant 2011-12 basic prices) and expected to contract by 4.92 percent in 2020-21 as per the

Advance Estimates. The decline in the growth rate between 2019-20 and 2020-21 (Advance Estimate) is

attributed to the impact of Covid-19. The measures taken by the State Government to fight Covid-19 has

brought about sharp rise in public expenditure on health care to protect lives. Various social protection

measures were also taken to save livelihoods. Quick response of the State Government in effectively

tackling the pandemic, resulting in low mortality rate, in spite of heavy caseload has set an example for

the rest of the country. Proper arrangements were made for provision of free food, shelter, medicine

and transportation of the large number of home bound migrant labour force during the Covid-19 period.

The State administration has set an example for others on this score.

The Economic Survey Report provides a snapshot of the State’s Economy, composition of Gross

State Domestic Product, developments in agriculture and allied sector, incidence of poverty and poverty

alleviation measures, rural development, development in mining and industries, services sector and its

growth prospects, social sector development including social protection measures, education, health

and nutrition, governance reform and the state finances.

In view of the unprecedented situation arising out of the global pandemic in early part of

2020, the survey has rightly made an attempt to present the impact of Covid-19 on various sectors

of the State’s economy highlighting the response of the State Government in effectively fighting the

pandemic and has also given out expectations of sharp recovery and growth. The survey concludes

with overall development approach of the State Government and outlook for the future. Time series

data on important socio-economic indicators has been appended to the Report which will be of use to

researchers, policy planners, academicians and members of the civil society.

I compliment the efforts of Planning and Convergence Department and Directorate of Economics

and Statistics, Odisha in bringing out Odisha Economic Survey, 2020-21 and wish the publication all


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