Essay on power of god in points
heyy mate here is your answer...
Being in God’s presence, opened my eyes to the beauty that I daily see, that I use to overlook. When I see a tree, standing firm in the wind, with its branches swaying back and forth, I see God’s beauty and majestic nature. When I look at the sky, clouds, trees, grass, and sun I am awe struck because of the complexity of each and every one. But what really strikes me, is the fact that they all work together in perfect harmony. Even today walking back from class I was enamored by just looking at the perfectly shaded blue sky with the wisps of cloud slowly moving along. Since the mission trip my eyes have been open to the beauty like what I saw today.
As I daily see God’s hand and his beauty in this world, I see how I can get through my daily struggles. Before they were like lead anvils strapped to me, that I was forced to carry around everywhere I went. These were a form of torture that could never be gotten rid of, but on the second day of the trip God touched my heart and in a soft voice said, “Give them to me, and I will take care of you.” At the moment of me giving them up, I went from feeling like a snail, only able to move extremely slow, to feeling as light as a feather. My attitude sky rocketed and I enjoyed being around people. From that experience I have taken the knowledge to daily give my struggles to him, and he has taken care of me as he promised....
YOU ARE God’s most powerful creation. You are His jewels in the earth and your thoughts and words are the current of the earthly atmosphere. If you think about a body of water the water on top can appear calm and a thing of beauty, but under the surface there is a powerful force at work. The current will push you forward, drag you under or push you to the top; your words possess the same power. So much so that daily the enemy wants to take control of your mind. Once someone has control of your mind they have you; because if they have your mind, they have your words and your words have power. They set things into motion.