Essay on Relationships
Relationship Essay (200 Words)
No relationship is perfect; it has to be made perfect. No matter what the relationship is with, it is important to keep it safe. Obviously, every relationship has its own needs and its own problems, so our level of dedication and responsibilities towards them also varies. But to make any relationship healthy one has to work many times. You should know what the person in front expects from you and you should also tell him what this relationship means to you.
Make a note that your partner cannot fulfill all the needs of you or the relationship. If you agree to this, then there will be no scope for unease between you two. If you get happiness from a relationship, then the responsibility of its success also depends on you. Therefore, whether the relationship is between a mother-in-law and son/daughter-in-law or a mother-son or a couple of friends or a married couple, every relationship needs adjustment and compromise.
Adopt your partner with his/her shortcomings. You may have different thoughts, but it does not mean that the one in front is wrong and you are right. Do not impose your point on them. Whenever there is a quarrel, sit and talk together and solve it.