English, asked by Pavani7107, 1 year ago

essay on role of movies in the life of people


Answered by sheikhanasmd1732


Influence and Importance of Cinema on the Lifestyle of Educated

Youth: A study on University Students of Bangladesh

Istiak Mahmood

Sociology Discipline, Khulna University, Bangladesh

Abstract: Cinema is the most complex and powerful art form in the present world. It can help us to better

understand our own lives, the lives of those around us and even how our society and culture operate. They can

shed light on political and spiritual matters too and can provide catharsis and perspective and may open our

eyes to new ways of thinking, feeling and pursuing our lives. Bangladesh has got a rich tradition of cinema,

though present condition is not so appreciable. University students are the most important part for the future of

Bangladesh. In all the important stages of our history students played a vital role. Even in the emergence of

Bangladesh students had the most aggressive involvement .Our students were always aware about the society,

it’s people, our culture. In the present world of globalization everything is getting available, easier and close in

contact. Cultural exchange were never fast before as it is right now. Technology, cultural phenomena, ethical

views are changing not in every day, but in every second now. In this context i started my research on the

relation of film and university students of Bangladesh. For different causes students don’t go to cinema halls to

watch Bengali movie, they watch it in computer now and for the technology like television and internet they are

coming on the close contact of foreign(like Indian and western ) ethics, rituals and culture, which certainly has

some impact on them. Conducting research on several public and private universities it’s clear that this

influence has both negative as well as positive side. Students are conscious about their cultural diffusion and

interchange. By analysing the trend, attitude, lifestyle and outlook about life of the university students it could

be said that there is a certain influence o f films on university students of Bangladesh.

Keywords: Cinema, Globalization, Lifestyle, Communication, Culture.

I. Introduction, Rationale and statement of the concept

Cinema has been one of the greatest influences in our modern life, and it‟s also a form of art, the

seventh art along with photography, architecture, literature, play, painting and music. It‟s the combination of

technology, business, entertainment and aesthetics ,each and everything of these four has important role in

present day world and it‟s also visible in the variation of its forms, Film is technology(picture taken in the

celluloid camera and editing),movie is the business and entertainment, and cinema is the aesthetics.

Cinema, popular or parallel, a visual art of story–telling with rich inputs of music, screenplay, cast

and script, mirrors the contemporary society in which it functions. From emotional dramas to candy-

floss romances to action-thrillers, cinema derives its sustenance, ideas and imaginations from its

surroundings. The images cinema creates, surreal or tangled wave of deceit, need to be in sync with

societal aspirations and basic urge of humanity to recreate and have fun and entertainment. In its long

journey of more than a century, cinema has transformed itself from being a taboo and absolute no-no

to a virtual way of life .Social dynamics have always regulated the content of cinema. The main

protagonist of any film fights villains who are manifestations of contemporary societal evils - from

village money-lender to land-hawks to advocates of dowry, dons and modern day terrorists. It provides a

platform that reflects the growth of economy, politics, technological advancements. Films are useful for

knowing the history of ancient world. A lot of countries of the world are involved with Film making through

their own industry, among them the most powerful, organized, popular and influential is Hollywood which

entertains the total world population and not only that it surprises the world with the advancement of

technology. A movie is not only a visual treat to its audience but it also an account of societal, economic and

political set up in which a person is living. If we want to acquire the critical tools to understand the medium of

film in the context of economic, industrial, social and cultural factors, from its beginnings in 1895 right up to the

present day, then we must have to work on this .In Bangladeshi point of view, university students are the most

potential resource of our country. In the world map we‟re one of the poor but promising country and a lot of

hope are reserved on manpower and universities are the key place to produce quality human being. For the

globalization around the world media and art has opened throughout the earth. Now it‟s possible to get an

American movie today in Bangladesh which has released there yesterday.

Answered by jyotibagga2129


Cinema is in today’s world the most popular means of entertainment. Millions of people watch cinema everyday all over the world-not only as a means of entertainment but also as an escape from the monotony, boredom, anxiety and troubles of life.

It is a restful, pleasurable and entertaining means of rewinding and relaxing after a long day’s work. All the senses are captivated while viewing cinema and the next two and a half or three hours are spent in a wink. Moreover, it is that means of entertainment which every class and section of society can afford at their will and convenience.


Indian cinema-apart from world cinema-has a charm, flavor and magic of its own. It appeals not only to the film-crazy Indian public but also has enchanted a large number of audiences the world over. People who do not speak or understand Hindi still sing songs from Hindi films. An average Indian film is longer than film from other parts of the world, has ginger-touch of love, hate, revenge, drama, tears, joys and also its own share of songs and dances. A typical Indian film has it all-all the spice and variety of life condensed into it, transporting the audience on a magic carpet to a totally different world where everything and anything is possible.



Down the years, cinema in India has reached its own destination, created its own history, and touched its own milestones. From stereotyped love stories to action to drama to realistic to fictional – the silver screen in its every aspect has mesmerized, captured an d tantalized millions of every age, class, sex and community. The journey from mute film to voiced, from black and white to coloured has been a long. It has catered to the dreams and aspirations of many who have hungered for glamour and reached ‘Bombay’ and it still does. Thousands of young boys and girls haunt the city to see their dreams fulfilled. Some do see them bloom and others see them break. But then that is life, luck and cinema all about!

There have been two streams of cinema in India—one is the commercial cinema which has the sole aim of entertaining and making money in return. The second stream is the Parallel cinema or the Art cinema which aims at sensitizing the people on various social issues and problems of the society. Where commercial cinema appeals to all sections of the society, parallel cinema appeals mainly to the intellectual class and a half. A general awareness among people has increased and art cinema is being more and more appreciated by a large number of people. Many a times an art film does much better at the box-office than a mainstream commercial film. This has resulted in the thinning of the differentiating line between Art and Commercial Cinema.

Cinema has an educative value too. Because it exercises a deep influence upon the minds of the people, cinema can be use as a very effective reformative instrument. Social awareness on issues like dowry, women education, abortion, girl feticide, youth unrest, corruption, unemployment, poverty, illiteracy etc. Cinema can expose the evils prevalent in society. It is the most effective means of mass communication. Cinema also is great unifying force in a diversified country like ours. People belonging to all communities and sections, speaking and language watch the cinema with the same fascination and excitement. Moreover, people can go places with cinema. We travel from Ooty to Shimla to Switzerland to Washington to Sydney. It also encourages the art of music, singing, dancing, script-writing, direction etc. It employs a large number of people from technicians to producers to spot-boys to dress-makers. Thousands of people earn their livelihood through cinema.

The Silver screen spreads and sells not just drams but captivates the hearts of young boys and girls. Thus, if this medium is not used judiciously and wisely, it can distract the youth from the right direction. Thus, the film-makers should undertake film-making as a social responsibility and use their sense of direction. The trend of making films on famous novels and plays should be encouraged to spread good literature and its appreciation among common man. Sensible and relevant themes should be picked to make film. Films need not be didactic but they still can pass on constructive messages subtly to the masses. Hence, if used with pure sensibility, cinema can help in bringing subtly to the masses. Hence, if used with pure sensibility, cinema can help in bringing about positive changes in the society and the attitudes of the peopleExplanation:

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