English, asked by monster5396, 1 year ago

Essay on save driving


Answered by sagarsood8
There are many ideas and laws that are created to ensure a safe and pleasurable driving experience. Some are avoiding aggressive drivers, alertness while driving, and vehicle following distance, vehicle speed, and special driving situations.
             One of many factors in remaining safe on the roads is the ability to control your emotions and your stress. Some driver's do not know how to deal with stress. This emotion can hinder the ability to drive safely and ensure safety on the roads. If you encounter a vehicle that is driving recklessly, and constantly following to closely the best thing to do is to do to avoid a confrontation is to reduce speed and allow him to over take your vehicle. Do not provoke the driver just let them pass.
             Accident are avoidable, all it takes is to be aware of your surroundings. Pay attention do what you are doing. Cell phones radios and newspapers are common distractions while in a motor vehicle. If you must use a mobile device ensure that you have a hands free accessory for it. If not pull over and make your call. Never try to understand or navigate a map while operating a vehicle. This can cause you to commit a traffic violation, or even injure a pedestrian.
             There is a rule of thumb that can help keep a safe following distance while traveling the roads. It is called the "Two Second Rule". Following a vehicle too closely is called "tailgating." Use the two-second rule to determine a safe following distance. Select a fixed object on the road ahead such as a sign, tree or overpass. When the vehicle ahead of you passes the object, count "one-thousand-one, one-thousand-two." You should not reach the object before you count to one-thousand-two. If you do, you are following too closely. Most rear end collisions are caused by the vehicle in back following too closely.

hope its help you.....

Answered by palak3001
Teens need to be taught that driving is a task that is complex and demanding. Parents know how much experience a young driver has, and they know exactly how inconvenient it is when they have to drive with their teen everywhere while they have their permit. Teens tend to cause most traffic accidents in adults’ eyes. They are not experienced yet, and often fail to pay attention to others on the road. They often think of a car as being some type of toy, but they do not know how powerful it really is. The driver education programs must be strengthened in order to make sure that students really have safer habits, behind the wheel experience, and by having a better understanding of all the laws on the road. 
This shows that teens do not take driving seriously and also do not realize what can happen to them if they continue with bad driving habits. In fact, insurance rates are high enough as it is for teens now. If they get into a car accident, the insurance rates will sky rocket, their parents may have a hard time being able to afford the insurance. Traffic crashes are the leading cause of fatalities for teens. As stated in a magazine, “Drivers ages 16 to 19 are four times more than likely than older drivers to crash” (Brophy). This quote shows that teen drivers are involved in more traffic accidents then older drivers. It has much to do with the young drivers not being safe and making horrible choices while they are driving or in the car with another person. If teens engage in the driving education course, they will definitely become more knowledgeable about all the safe ways to drive when their parents do not have to ride with them anymore. Teen drivers are involved in many car accidents due to unsafe driving habits. A course on safe driving will give the young driver behind the wheel more experience.

hope this might help you ^_^
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