essay on save water save life in english
Water is one of the nature's precious gifts to mankind. The volume of the human body is two-thirds water. It clears the importance of water in our lives. For every creature of the earth require lots of water. Trees - plants require lots of water. Water can be formed in liquid, solid and gas is form. (essay on Save Water Save Life)
Water is the most essential component of life and is vital for sustenance. Water is found in the sea, river, pond, wells, etc. Water is very important in our daily lives. Our life depends on it. It helps the body's digestive function and regulates our body temperature. It is very important to our earth. It is a key component in determining the quality of our lives and is a universal solvent. (essay on Save Water Save Life)
It is difficult to imagine our life without water. But the irony is that though humans understand the importance of water he started to contaminate it. Because of water - Pollution and wasting water pure water for drinking is not available now. Reaching consequences are not good. Certainly it is not fair for the future. Water is known as the elixir of life. Therefore, water conservation is necessary to save lives. (essay on Save Water Save Life)
“Save water, save life” means that if we use our water supplies wisely we will be able to preserve life on our planet. Saving water means not wasting water and using the water than we need and keeping the rest of the water clean and unpolluted. Saving or Conserving water is important because it prevent the wastage of the precious resource of water so is available for all human beings and other living creatures. It also keeps water pure and clean while protecting the environment. Saving water saves money. Conserving water means using our water supply wisely and be responsible. As every individual depends on water for livelihood, we must learn how to keep our limited supply of water pure and away from pollution.
The source of the water is in the form of the lakes, rivers, ponds, wells, etc. On the earth’s surface, there is 71 percent of the land is covered by the water and other 29 percent by the land. In that 71 percent of water, only 3 percent of water is usable which is used by us for many purposes. So there will not be enough water for for everyone as the population is increasing day by day and the consumption of the water is increasing. Nowadays public using the water not in a careful manner. They are careless about it.
Water is one of the most essential necessity of life. But it is becoming an increasing scare resource. Availability of safe quality drinking water is being reduced due to pollution from sewage and industrial waste. So water should be meticulously harnessed and carefully conserved. It should be economically used and safely disposed off after usage.
The need of the hour is sustainable water management, specially in the context of meeting the demands of an increasing population. It also means looking at fresh water as an exhaustible, natural and essential resource and seeing watershed areas as sustainable units of water resource development and management. Simply put, it means managing our finite water resources for present needs while keeping in mind the future requirement of our coming generations.
Saving water helps to preserve our environment. It reduces the energy required to process and deliver water, which helps in reducing pollution and in conserving fuel resources. If we save water now, we are helping to ensure a water supply adequate for future generations. Survival without water is impossible. Hence we must save water to save life on Earth.