English, asked by tiashasha, 1 year ago

essay on sexual harresment.


Answered by Anonymous
Hello friend,

Well when we think about the word "Sexual harassment" many of us feels shame to read the word either. But rather I'll be interested to answer this question.

★First of all what is Sexual harassment???

Is it about staring a girl or a boy??? Or you think it's about Passing any vulgar comments on a girl or a boy?? Or you think teasing is something when we sexual harrash someone???

Well if you ask me then my answer will be a big "NO".
Then what is it???

It's an unwelcomed sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that tends to create a hostile environment for the victim.

★My another question , Do you think it's all about girls suffering from sexual harassment???

Again my answer is a big "NO".

Not just female but even male gets sexual harassed.

Despite of it's all the Publicity, TV news, Laws etc it's still happens with a girl or a boy. We'll have you ever thought on why we generally refers the name of girls when we came across word "Sexual harassment" it's not because it happens just with girls it's because rate of it is more in case of girls.

And infact the cases of such "Violent" acts are increasing day-by-day. And one it's major reason is that the people of authority aren't taking it seriously. Have you ever think about how the victim must be feeling?? He/She can be someone's mom/dad or someone's brother/sister.

But still it's sad to note that it's increasing instead of getting its rate to be low.

But do you think we as a literate citizens of the country sit ideal and watch the show??

NO...Let's take a step against it. It can happen anytime , anywhere and with anyone either it be a girl or a boy!!!! It can be a work place , Educational institutions or any Public or Holly place.

Say No To Sexual Harrashment

We did nothing for DAMINI. I consider those rallies were just for the sake of publicity stunt and nothing. Damini was sexually raped and faced death rather than living the hell life that those boys have made.

You know what the greatest fault is of those who doesn't stand against it and see the entertainment show!!! huh???

How we can avoid it??? How we can make the rate of Sexual Harassment low???

Lemme tell you a small story on how girls can be harassed??

There's a girl named Sheetal. She has a well reputed job. Her boss gifts her a car. He does a lot for her.

Well with just these lines will you say that the boss is really a caring person???

Let's read this story then,

Slowly slowly he started to rule over her. He started bullying her. He took her to a fashion shop and secretly took her pics without clothes. And started to send her those pictures of hers and asking her to spend a night with him and telling her that if she says that to anyone then he will viral those pics.

She got a lot scared. And could not decide what to do?? You know what she has done???

Without getting too much scared she told her friend about it. And with the help of her friends. And her friends asked her to go there for a night but before anything they will reach there on the spot with police.

She went to do exactly what she has been asked to do. But before he could take her in his room her friends reached their and found his boss trying to touch her and trying to lure her too. but with her wise step to say this to his friends helped her to get saved.

Don't get worried if he tries to viral your pics. God is always there to help you.

Now it's not always girls getting sexually harrased. What boys can do in such cases??? They are strong enough and more than girls to fight against it. They should inform it to police. Keeping things with themselves will not help.

Well I too have a very close friend and that's a truth that he too got sexually harrased by his own aunt. And that's very shameful act. We should raise voice against it. What he could have done in that case??? Specially when his aunt have a video too :'(

He should raise voice against it. And he should share his pain with his parents and friends and that's what he did. He shared this with me. I am with him and will always be. And in case I would have to do something I'll definitely raise voice against his aunt. I'm sure he's strong enough to fight with his aunt all by himself.

Problem's shared ; Problem gets halved is the policy that I believe

Stop Sexual harrashment , Stop harassing your brothers and sisters

Hope it helps you!!

tiashasha: Fantastic answer! thanks a lot!
Anonymous: Awesome answer gollu mollu!
munazza: thanks alot for posting this answer
ABHAYSTAR: Supereb answer !
Anonymous: Thanks everyone :)
paris2: omg
Answered by ans81
Indian Constitution provides right to equality to both women and men. Women have equal right to choose any profession and area of work or business activity. But in practice women are discriminated against both in their homes and outside their homes.

What is Sexual Harassment at Workplace

In simple terms it can be understood as unwanted direct or indirect sexual contact, remarks or conduct on part of the male colleagues against their women colleagues at any workplace.

Thus, sexual harassment at workplace includes both physical as well as mental aspects. Though it is difficult to define what constitutes sexual harassment at workplace but the Supreme Court of India has defined it in the case of Vishakha v. State of Rajasthan, 1997 as:

“Any unwelcome sexually determined behavior (whether directly or by implication) as physical contact and advances, a demand or request for sexual favors, sexually colored remarks, showing pornography or any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual nature.”

Thus the above definition makes it very clear that any unwelcome sexually colored behavior by a male against a female employee will be treated as sexual harassment at workplace.

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