Hindi, asked by shivakumarkolle, 1 year ago

Essay on south Korea 150 to 300 words


Answered by loverboymeruoxef1y

Korea’s original name, Choson, Meant “land of the morning calm.” The country’s history has been shaped by frequent invasions from its neighbors. Korean history is divided into three main periods: the silla (668-935), Koryo (935-1392), and Yi (1392-1910) dynasties. The name “Korea” is derived from the middle dynasty of Koryo. Foreign influence-direct and indirect-occurred throughout these dynasties. All of Korea’s foreign overlords-Mongolian, Chinese, and Japanese instituted a closed-door policy in order to solidify their rule. This isolation earned Korea the name of the Hermit kingdom. The poverty and distress of the South Koreans were deepened by the Korean War of 1950-53 when numerous people died and cities and towns were devastated. During the next few decades, however, South Korea evolved into a dynamic industrial society. By 1990 educational and public health standards were high, most people lived in urban areas, and a complex structure of social classes had emerged that resembled the social structures of developed Western countries or Japan. The country also was making substantial progress in its evolution from a military dictatorship similar to that of many Third World regimes to a democratic, pluralistic political system. 


Answered by Prashantkumar546
South. korea which is located in East asia is near the china and japan it is known as republic of korea. In the north of South korea there is North Korea ,in the east there is sea of japan and south by korea strait.The state of South korea was establish in 1948.South korea economy, traditionally based on agricultura. Since 1960s , the south korea is undergone with rapid industrialization;the gross
domestic product (GDP) expanded by more than 9 percent yearly between the 1960s
and the early 1990s. A series of five-year economic plans begun in 1962 have
concentrated on the development of manufacturing, much of it oriented toward
exports. Economic aid, especially from the United States and Japan, was
important to the economic growth of the country, which in the span of a
generation grew from one of the world's poorest to a mid-ranking industrial power.In the early 1990s the total labor force was estimated at 19.8 million.
Of this figure, some 15 percent were engaged in agriculture, forestry, and
fishing; 33 percent in industry; and 52 percent in services. The principal labor
organization is the Federation of Korean Trade Unions, with a membership of more
than 1.8 million. Land distribution programs were carried out after World War II (1939-
1945). With 1.6 million farms, the average cultivated land area for each is 1.3
hectares (3.2 acres). Agricultural methods remain largely traditional and
unmechanized. About 21 perceent of the land is arable, and nearly all of this
land is under cultivation. The poverty and distress of the South Koreans were deepened by the Korean War of 1950-53 when numerous people died and cities and towns were devastated. During the next few decades, however, South Korea evolved into a dynamic industrial society. By 1990 educational and public health standards were high, most people lived in urban areas, and a complex structure of social classes had emerged that resembled the social structures of developed Western countries or Japan. noncommunist camps in the accelerating East-West arms race. Moreover, a large number of Chinese volunteer troops remained in North Korea until October 1958. The United States continued to station troops in South Korea, over the strenuous objections of North Korean leaders. After the bloodiest Korean War ended, South Korea started to develop by hosting of 1988 Olympics. South Korea became a member of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development in 1996. leading to inefficiency and lack of development. South Korea’s economy was one of the fastest growing economies in the world from the early 1960s. Following the Korean War, South Korea embraced manufacturing and built an export based economy. South Korea introduced modern technologies very quickly, increasing the efficiency of production. In 2012 South Korea’s GDP per capita was $32,400 compared to $1,800 in North Korea. Living standards in South Korea are good and characterised by a strong economy.communications between North and South will be cut off, and the South Korean ships and airliners be banned from passing through North Korean territorial waters and airspace. According to Yonhap news official said in a statement “This is a deliberate provocation aimed to spark off another military conflict in the West Sea of Korea and thus push to a war phase the present north-south relations”. IF THIS IS TOO MANY YOU CAN CUT SOME LINES FROM THIS
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