English, asked by akashBose, 1 year ago

Essay on Sri Aurobindo


Answered by tanikaray
Sri Aurobindo ..born in Calcutta on August 15, 1872. In 1879, at the age of seven, he was taken with his two elder brothers to England for education and lived there for fourteen years. Brought up at first in an English family at Manchester, he joined St. Paul's School in London in 1884 and in 1890 went from it with a senior classical scholarship to King's College, Cambridge, where he studied for two years. 

Sri Aurobindo passed thirteen years, from 1893 to 1906...These were years of self-culture, of literary activity - for much of the poetry afterwards published from Pondicherry was written at this time - and of preparation for his future work. In England he had received, according to his father's express instructions, an entirely occidental education without any contact with the culture of India and the East*. At Baroda he made up the deficiency, learned Sanskrit and several modern Indian languages, assimilated the spirit of Indian civilisation and its forms past and present.. He left Baroda in 1906 and went to Calcutta as Principal of the newly-founded Bengal National College.

tanikaray: The above paragraphs have been taken from my book. You can find it on the internet but it has also mentioned copyright so I have not copied :) I have edited also so that it is a little different. Thanks.
Answered by ashlee
                                               RISHI AUROBINDO
" India of the ages is not dead nor has she spoken her last creative word; she lives and has still something to do for herself and the human peoples." 

- Said once the great Rishi Aurobindo, the gem of bengal.
Born on 15th August, in calcutta his former name was 'Aurobindo Ghose' .
Aurobindo was the third child of Brahmo Samaj member,Krishna Dhun Ghose and Swarnalota Devi.
As a child, he was mostly subjected  to British life style and christian view points.
Aurobindo studied for the at King's College, CambridgeEngland.
After returning to India he took a job in civil service under the 
maharaj of the Baroda and gradually got involved in politics.
As his fame grew, he was imprisoned by the British for writing articles against 
British policies in India.  During his stay in the jail he is known to have a heavenly , spiritual experience, as a result of which he left politics for spiritual work in Pondicherry.
He was the founder of today's so famous- 'Internal Yoga'.
He was also a great writer.
 Some of his greatest literary works include ' The Life Divine' a book on theoretical aspects of Integral Yoga; 'Synthesis of Yoga' dealing  with practical guidance to Integral Yoga; and Savitri: A Legend and a Symbol, an epical poem which describes a certain passage in the Mahabharata, where its characters adopt Integral Yoga in their lives.
He specialised in philosophy, poetry, translations and commentaries on the 
VedasUpanishads and even the Gita.
He was nominated for the 
Nobel Prize in Literature in 1943 and for the Nobel Prize in Peace in 1950.
This great immortal soul, left his bodily form on 5th December at the age of 78 , in Pondicherry.
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