CBSE BOARD X, asked by nishara84, 1 year ago

essay on study and games in punjabi​

Shankyy: dam.n in punjabi ...XD
Anonymous: ___k off
Shankyy: ahh...wht the hell...XD


Answered by surajgaur

The Importance of Games in an ESL classroom Presentation by Ana Faísca, Cláudia Ludovico and Elisabete Martins CURSO DE COMPLEMENTO DE FORMAÇÃO SUPERIOR EM ENSINO DO INGLÊS NO 1.º CICLO DO ENSINO BÁSICO Spoken English I Professora Sílvia Roda Couvaneiro Instituto Piaget, Almada March 2015 INTRODUCTION Children learn best when the contents are relevant to them and when they can connect new learning with old learning. Finding connections between the new and the old learning can be challenging at...

Shankyy: is thats punjabi
nishara84: thanks
Shankyy: but this isn't punjabi right??
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