Essay on the selfies and its impact on people
Thomas Peracchio addresses that “selfies account for 30% of the pictures taken in the 18 to 24 age group”(Peracchio). With such a high percentage of selfies being posted, it correlates with the idea that this generation of teens and young adults are self-absorbed. Not only it is the word seen in a self-absorbed connotation, but also it has been used in a humorous manner. One of the latest twitter accounts popping up on peoples twitter feeds is the account called “@SelfieOlympics”. These twitter accounts post pictures of people taking insane selfies. It is not just the standard front view camera picture or ‘mirror pic it has become a game. Individuals will
Analysis Of Jacque Lacan 's The Mirror Stage
1644 Words | 7 Pages
to the realization that his first interaction with his “self” wasn’t with a mirror at all- it was actually with an iPhone’s front facing camera- used as a form of distraction while he sat in his highchair. This made start thinking about the fact that the recent generations are the first who do not need a mirror to see their “reflections”, how does that affect them? This is what spurred me to begin thinking about the way the modern day “selfie” relates to this “ideal-I” that Lacan discusses within
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The Social Aspect Of A Self Image
1746 Words | 7 Pages
Introduction Oxford Dictionaries awarded the term ‘Selfie’ as word of the year in 2013 and define this phenomenon as "a photograph that has taken of oneself, typically with a
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The First American Self Portrait Photo
862 Words | 4 Pages
Selfie, a new vocabulary which was created in 21 century, and has become one of the most popular words all over the social media in recent years. If you search the word “#selfie” on Instagram, you could find more than 200 million posts that related to selfie. In fact, selfie has appeared long time ago, according to the report “the first American self-portrait photo produced in 1839 was of Robert Cornelius using a daguerreotype, who took a photo of himself outside of his family’s store in Philadelphia
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What Gives People Me Take A Selfie?
1488 Words | 6 Pages
But First, Let Me Take a Selfie A lot of people from the average citizen to Barack Obama, the President of the United States, take selfies. A selfie is basically a picture of yourself, a self-portrait that is usually shared on any social networking site. By just switching to front camera with just a tap, anyone is able to take a selfie. It is a popular trend and is a part of our modern day culture that a lot of us engage without a second thought, as if it is as much as who we are or as the clothes
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Self-Images and Selfies
1509 Words | 6 Pages
Self-Image and Selfies: A Freudian Analysis Chosen as Oxford dictionaries as the 2013 word of the year, the term selfie refers to “a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically with a smartphone or webcam and uploaded to a social media website". The term has made a definite mark on popular culture, the frequency usage increased over 17,000% in the 2012-2013 year (BBC News). With the rise in popularity there has also been much discussion on the possible effects of the selfie phenomena. Some
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Visual And Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders
990 Words | 4 Pages
Oxford dictionary added the word “selfie” in August 2013 being defined as a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smart phone or webcam and uploaded to a social media website (Augarde, 1981). Its not you its me: The Science Behind the Selfie is a recent news article that came out addressing the complexity behind what a selfie represents and what people are really trying to convey or masque. Throughout the past five years the word selfie has been added to the dictionary
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Social Network Sites and Social Interaction
1403 Words | 6 Pages
Introduction Literature Review Human beings are social beings and as such, social interaction with others is crucial to one’s definition, and perception of the self. Social interaction happens everyday, and there are many components that work collaboratively in order to make these encounters flow in a smooth manner (Goffman). Everyone engages in what Goffman called impression management (IM) and this is which means that every participant in a social interaction defines the situation with the information