Essay on today's youth is more practical and less swayed by emotions. Argue for and against d statement
Explanation:For the Motion
I totally agree that today’s youths are more practical and wise and do not get swayed
by emotions. Today’s young generation is very optimistic about their future and
ambitious also as they want to achieve and fulfil their dreams. They don’t mind
leaving their parent or friends behind in order to achieve their goals and fulfil their
dreams. Earlier mostly the sons would try to stay with their parents so that they
could be taken care of. But today in an urge to earn more money, they do not mind
going far away from their parents. Moreover they do not get carried away by
emotions and have a more practical outlook. Today’s youth has been able to balance
his/her emotions.
Even though today’s younger lot is considered to be impatient, their impatient is
because they don’t want to waste time. They wish to explore all possible horizons
and for that they do not mind going away and leaving their family behind. As
younger generation is connected with lots of social networking sites, their ideas are
more enterprising and they are willing to take risk. Their ideas are practical also and
their practical perspective leaves them with no time for ethical issues like ego,
arrogance, emotions etc.
Against the Motion
I don’t agree that today’s youth is more practical or non-emotional. Though today’s
youth may have more technological knowledge but they can not beat elders in their
worldly wisdom and experience that grows with age. Older generation can judge
people in a better and balanced manner as they have seen many in their life.
Due to their over practical nature, it puts them in more depression and hence suicide
rates are more common. Today’s youth is not balanced at all. In a hurry to get hold of
easy money, they commit crime also and get influenced from TV and cinema. They
do and act in such a manner in which they are not supposed to act. Being emotional
as well as impatient, they are unable to differentiate between right and wrong.
Oversmartness, shown by youngsters, very often puts them in trouble. Today’s
youth do not want to take advice from their elders as they want to prove themselves.
But most of the time they are proved wrong and ultimately turn to their elders for
their kind advice.
Technology has driven youth to many acts done rashly and as a result they have
suffered. The information explosion in the print and electronic media may give
more information to teenagers but it cannot make them worldly wise.
Besides being optimistic and rash, the teenagers have a tendency to follow the
dictates of the heart and are easily moved by the superficial considerations like
colour, looks or aesthetic appeal. On the other hand, parents take decisions on
merit, with sound time tested logic using their mind. They are therefore less prone
to error.
Teenagers must seek their parent’s advice and use logic before taking any decision
to save themselves from ruining their lives.