essay on topic cleanliness
Cleanliness is not a work which we should do forcefully. It is a good habit and healthy way of our healthy life. All type of cleanliness is very necessary for our good health whether it is personal cleanliness, surrounding cleanliness, environment cleanliness, pet animal cleanliness or work place cleanliness (like school, college, office, etc). We all should be highly aware about how to maintain cleanliness in our daily lives. It is very simple to include cleanliness in our habit. We should never compromise with cleanliness, it is as necessary as food and water for us. It should be practiced from the childhood which can only be initiated by each parent as a first and foremost responsibility.
hope it will help.......
thank you
★ Heya user..!! ★
Here is ur answer..!!
In today's fast and busy life cleanliness plays a very important role. Without cleanliness we may suffer from many harmful diseases which is not good for us. For healthy and perfect lifestyle we need to clean our surroundings properly. We should have to first clear our self and surrounding and than whole country. We should aware each and every persons ( relatives ) that the benefits and disadvantages of cleanliness. Cleanliness is a habit nice, without paying heavy price.The process of cleanliness we should have to star first from our house. Our Prime Minister, Narendra Modi also has started a campaign called ‘Clean India’. We all as an Indian citizen should actively participate in this campaign. Cleanliness is very necessary to live a healthy and long life. We should bring cleanliness to our habits and remove dirt from our life. Dirt means unhealthy life. Cleanliness also improves the confidence level and self-respect.Clean hand! Clean stomach! Gives us disease free life. Cleanliness is not the responsibility of only one person however it is the responsibility of each and every individual living in the home, society, community and country. The most important purpose of maintaining cleanliness is to get health, beauty, remove offensive odor as well as avoid the spread of dirt and contaminants. Cleanliness is like a good habit which should be applied by each and every member of the family as well as society. As being the citizen of the country, we all are responsible for cleaning any dirty place we see. We should keep our roads, tourist places, historical places, schools, colleges, office buildings, etc neat and clean. We should not throw chips or snakes rappers here and there on the road..we should throw the wrappers in the dustbins , if sometimes u did'nt find dustbins here and there then u should have to keep that wrappers in ur pockets and by reaching home u can put that wrapper in ur home dustbin. If we see anyone who is throwing wrappers or garbage on the road then we should immediately stop that person from doing this and we should suggest them about cleanliness and their disadvantages and advantages. If we do this then surely one day our country is also know as clean country in the world. Our country is our home we should not make it dirty. Cleanliness keeps away from diseases and mental sickness. So, At last i wanna to say that CLEAN INDIA = " GREEN INDIA AND HEALTHY INDIA. Be clean and remain tension free."Start making ur country and urself first clean and green and remove away the harmful diseases from ur surroundings. And make ur life healthy and happy. :)
Famous slogans on cleanliness :
- Don’t be so mean and keep surrounding very clean.
- Be clean! Be healthy!
- Cleanliness brings happiness but dirt makes us hurt.
- Cleanliness is the way to good health and happiness.
- Cleanliness is the only medicine to all diseases.
★ I Hope this may help u..!! ★
# Be Brainly..!! #
And Keep Smiling..!!