essay on uses of mobile phones 200 words
Mob ile ph ones are one of the most comm only used gad gets in to day’s wo rld. Ever yone fro m a ch ild to a n ad ult us es mob ile phon es these days. They are inde ed very use ful and help us in so many ways. Mo bile pho nes indeed make our liv es ea sy and conve nient but at what cost? They are a blessi ng only till we use it corr ectly. As when we use them for more than a fixed time, they become harmf ul for us.
We use mobi le ph ones for almost everyt hing now. Go ne are the days when we used them for only ca lling. Now, our lives revo lve around it. They come in use for commun icating through voic e, message s, and e mails. We can also su rf the inter net using a pho ne. Most impo rtantly, we also click pho tos and record vid eos through our mobil e’s camer a.
The phon es of this age are known as sma rtpho nes. They are no less than a comp uter and some times even more. You can vide o ca ll people using this pho ne, and also ma nage your offic ial docume nts. You get the chance to use soc ial me dia and pl ay mu sic through it.
Moreover, we see how mo bile pho nes have repl aced comp uters and lapto ps. We carry out all the tasks through mo bile pho nes which we initially did use our comput ers. We can even make Pow erpo int present ations on our pho nes and use it as a calcul ator to ease our work.
It is not the best essay but I guess you can change it up a bit?