English, asked by 07AmanJunaidKhan, 4 months ago

Essay on water pollution and mention the ways to prevent it.​


Answered by Anonymous

Water pollution occurs when harmful substances—often chemicals or microorganisms—contaminate a stream, river, lake, ocean, aquifer, or other body of water, degrading water quality and rendering it toxic to humans or the environment.

The best way to improve surface water quality is to prevent pollution at its source! Here are a few tips on preventing water pollution:

Pick up litter and throw it away in a garbage can.

Blow or sweep fertilizer back onto the grass if it gets onto paved areas. Don't put fertilizer on the grass right before it rains. The chemicals will wash into storm drains and waterways.

Mulch or compost grass or yard waste. Or, leave it in your yard if you can't compost. Don't blow leaves into the street. This clogs and damages storm drains.

Wash your car or outdoor equipment where it can flow to a gravel or grassed area instead of a street.

Don't pour your motor oil down the storm drain. Take it to the nearest auto parts store. This is free!

Never clean up a spill by hosing it into a storm drain. Use dry methods like placing kitty litter, sand, or another absorbent on the spill. Once the liquid becomes solid - sweep it up and throw it in a garbage can

07AmanJunaidKhan: Thanks :)
Anonymous: Welcome :)
Answered by Bad0BoY



What Can You Do to Prevent Water Pollution?

What Can You Do to Prevent Water Pollution?Reduce your plastic consumption and reuse or recycle plastic when you can.

What Can You Do to Prevent Water Pollution?Reduce your plastic consumption and reuse or recycle plastic when you can.Properly dispose of chemical cleaners, oils, and non-biodegradable items to keep them from ending up down the drain.

What Can You Do to Prevent Water Pollution?Reduce your plastic consumption and reuse or recycle plastic when you can.Properly dispose of chemical cleaners, oils, and non-biodegradable items to keep them from ending up down the drain.Maintain your car so it doesn't leak oil, antifreeze, or coolant...


zeenatrahman8860: arush sad maat hu ye Mera last message ha
zeenatrahman8860: aab distrub Nahi karugi
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