Essay on your favourite subject!!!!!!!!!
hey ur ans,
General Knowledge is and has always been my favourite subject. It was introduced to us in grade I and since then I have loved it. During grade I, we were taught common general knowledge things such as names of monuments, recognition of sports people and celebrities, recognition of country flags and the likes. I found it very interesting as I got to learn many new and interesting things.
I always looked forward to the general knowledge class in the school. As I grew up and went to higher classes, I did not only study the general knowledge books prescribed by the school but also borrowed such books from the library to expand my knowledge. Looking at my interest in the subject my father decided to subscribe to a monthly general knowledge magazine. I eagerly waited for it every month and finished reading the entire magazine in around three days. I read it over and over again to memorize the facts.
I earn appreciation for my knowledge in this subject at school, home as well as in my friend circle. This inspires me to read and learn all the more. My teachers always recommended my name for GK quiz competitions. I have taken part in many such competitions and have also won many prizes for my school.
my favorite subject is history. I love history to much. history is my real world. my sister is an archeologist