English, asked by nagrajagjot, 10 months ago

essay :too many people die on the road because of accidents. suggest ways and means which could help to minimize accidents on roads.


Answered by curioussoul
More than 145000 people die in road accidents in India every year.

Does anyone care ?

Do we hold candle light prayers for these departed souls ?

Do we drive safe to prevent accidents?

Do we cry for those who die on our roads?

Why ?
Last year more than 145000 people died in road accidents in India. This number for one year is far greater than the lives lost due to wars and terrorist acts put together for all time since independence.

This is more than any natural calamity whether Odisha cyclones or Gujarat earthquakes from the recent memories of this millennium.

We cry hoarse for fighting terror. We unite in the face of a natural disaster. We applaud the surgical strikes to defeat the terror mongers. We organize food and relief for the disaster victims.

We are good people. We stand by all those unfortunate to be struck by terrorism or vagaries of nature be it floods, droughts or landslides.

But when it comes to accidents and death on our roads we remain silent. We do not shed a tear unless the victim is someone dear to us.

We do not stop to provide help to a road accident victim. We do not even call the Police or ambulance to help out thinking someone else will do it anyway.

The result is that the accident victim does not reach the hospital in time. The life which could have been saved gets extinguished. The families get devastated not because of some enemy strike or stroke of bad luck.

People die because people do not care .

Why this should keep happening? Why we should look towards the government to do something? Why we do not do what we have to do?

A few simple things will go a long way to reduce the number of accidents on the roads and consequent unnecessary deaths.

Follow the speed limits:

Our National Highways are designed for a speed of 100 km/hour and most of them have speed limit of 90 Km/hour. These are seldom followed and people zip along merrily in their SUVs at 140–150 Km not knowing that disaster is just around a blind curve or at some narrow bridge.

Do Not Drink And Drive:

Alcohol affects the reaction time and causes error of judgement. Drunken driving is the cause of more than 40% of the road accidents.

Take a pledge to avoid driving when under the influence of liquor. Spread the word among all your friends and relatives.

By drunken driving you are putting your life as well as life of your fellow citizens in danger. It is legally and morally wrong.

Do not allow your under age children to drive:

It is sad to note that we are a nation of law breakers. We talk all the time what government should do. Rules should be followed.

Sanjay Dutt was rightly jailed for breaking the law. ( Remember, he never fired the gun he possessed unlawfully, did not hurt anyone )

Then, why we should not be going to jail for permitting children below 18 years to drive?

Bear in mind, they can cause accidents, cause hurt and get hurt.

Help the Accident Victims:

Call 100 or Ambulance number immediately if you happen to see an accident while travelling. On most Toll Roads, there are Helpline numbers displayed. Save these numbers in your contacts for the roads you frequently travel. Keep in mind that it could be someone dear to you trapped in that collision.

Donate Blood:

Make it a habit to donate blood on your birthday, anniversaries or on any other occasion important to you. You could be gifting someone’s life to him/her.

There are other reasons why accidents occur and other methods of their prevention. That would require efforts from the agencies involved with the construction and maintenance of the roads.

Let us do our part first.

Let us cry for the people who die on our roads till we make our roads safe. Safe in design, safe by our driving habits , safe by speedy response to accidents till the day comes when there is no need to cry

Answered by JackelineCasarez


Traffic collisions are very common these days and leads to plentiful cases of deaths, injuries and destruction of property and life every year. The last decade has observed a steep rise in the number of casualties in road accidents. There could be several contributing elements to this hike(which is even higher than documented cases) which includes the disobeying of traffic rules and the lack of respect for these rules as the chief causes which further involves the crossing of speed limits, not using helmets and seat belts, driving under influence and failing to maintain lane. Sometimes the accidents are so miserable that leaves the families in trauma. Thus, some strict actions has to taken in this regard in order to minimize this loss. Some of the measures could be:

  • Respect and obedience for the traffic rules among the drivers.
  • Strict imposition of speed limits by employing heavy penalty to the rebels.
  • Foolproof driving tests before assigning license to people.
  • Helmet and seat belts should be made mandatory and heavy fine for disobeying.
  • Awareness programs for "traffic safety" through television and media.
  • Introduction of the subject "safety awareness" in the school curriculum for creation of aware citizens in future.
  • Drunken driving has to be abolished.
  • No usage of phone while driving.

These are some of the ways these accidents could be checked as if the people are aware about the traffic rules, concerned for their and other people's future and respect for the traffic rules; there would be much lesser cases of the traffic collisions as of now.

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