Biology, asked by yoyoyo34, 11 months ago

Establish Mendel's 3:1 ratio with the help of his Pea plant experiment.
(For 3 marks)


Answered by khantalha7201

Mendel brought cross between two pea plants with only one pair of contrasting characteristics this type of cross is called a monohybrid cross. Tea pea plant and dwarf pea plant were used in this cross. All the plant produced in F1 generation are tall having genotype TT this indicates that the gene responsible for pea plants is dominant over the gene responsible for dwarfness

When F1 plant are self pollinated they produces second filial generation F2 in F1 F2 generation both tall and dwarf plant appeared in the ratio 3 is to 1 does the genotypic ratio of F2 generation is 3 tal : 1 dwarf anf the genotypice ratio is itt:2Tt :1tt

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