every metal has a define network function why do all the photoelectrons not come out with the same energy if incident radiation is monochromatic why is the energy distribution of photoelectrons?
❤gm mate ❤
the electron in an atom revolves around the nucleus in different orbits.
so different electron have different level of energies .
so this electron require different amount of energy used to come out of the metal surface and photoelectrons save different energies the electron in the outermost orbit require less energy to come out of the metal surface and has have large kinetic energy of the electron .
in the inter most Orbit require more energy to come out of metal surface hands have small kinetic energy .
A minimum energy is required for the electron in the highest level of conduction band to get out of the the metal .
But all the electron do not belong to that level, but they occupy a continuous band of levels .
Hence for a given incident radiation , electron knocked off from different levels come out with different energies