English, asked by imadkhandr, 9 months ago

اب ان مثالوں کو از سر تو اپنے اور ان تحت تمام
ضروری قواعد اچھی طرح ذھن نشین کر لینے کے بعد مند رجب میں مشتو
عمل کیئے۔
Exercise #1. Put into the Passive Voice
1. We speak the truth, 2. You bou
eggs. 3. My mother loves me. 4. They
read the Holy Quran every day. 5. Do
you draw a map of Pakistan? 6. Does he
sing a song? 7. She does not wash my
clothes. 8. I do not teach them English
9. Do we help them in every way? 10. You
praise her very much. 11. He kills a snake
12. We play football in the afternoon​


Answered by shaima961


sorry but I don't understand you

Answered by Anonymous


soory I can't understand your language please ask in Indian languages column

Step-by-step explanation:

A ball is dropped from a balloon poing up at a speed or 10 ms If the balloon was at hieght 40m maximum hieght two factors that contributed a lot towards the creation of landforms in earth's surface

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