English, asked by farmanfaiza, 4 months ago

Ex A. Answer these questions.

1. Where and when did the fox meet the zebra?

Ans. The fox met the _____________ at a ____________ in a jungle far away.They met

each other on a ___________ summer day.

2. What did the fox asked the zebra?

Ans. The fox asked the zebra whether he had a _____________ body with______________

stripes or whether he had a ___________ body with______________ stripes.

3. What happened when the fox tried to solve this puzzle himself?

Ans.When the fox tried to solve the _______________ himself, he got _______________.

4. What did the zebra do after listening to the question?

Ans. The zebra creased his ____________ and began to think after listening to the question.

5. What was the zebra’s answer?

Ans. The zebra in his reply to the fox said that it did not _______________ whether his

stripes were _______________ or _______________ and that the fox should not be

__________________ about that as well. Regardless of the colour of his _____________ , he

was the same animal ______________ his stripes.

B. Read these lines from the poem and answer the questions.

1. I hope that you will try and answer it too./ It’s a question that puzzled me from the time

we first met-

a. Who said this to whom?

Ans. The fox said this to the _______________.

b. What is the puzzle?

Ans. The puzzle was whether the __________ had a black____________ with white

_______________ or a white _________________ with black _____________.

2. Why do you worry whether my stripes are black or white?/ to me it doesn’t matter- they

seem just right!/ and beneath all my stripes, Mr. Fox, can’t you see?/ that the creature there

is just the same me?”a. Do you think the zebra is happy with how he looks?

Ans. Yes, the _____________ is quite _____________ with the way he looks.

b. Why does he say that the colour of his stripes does not matter?

Ans. The colour of the stripes does not matter to him because he thinks that the

_____________ are just as they should be and are therefore _____________.

C. Answer these questions.

1. Compare and contrast the characters of the fox and the zebra.

Ans. The fox is _______________, ________________ and makes his decision on the basis

of ________________.The zebra on the other hand is __________ and seems to be satisfied

with how he is. He does not draw _______________on the basis of _______________ and he

also has self- respect. He does not allow the _______ to violate the sense of respect that every

creature should have. The zebra is also ___________ as he manages to give a clever reply to

the _______.

2. What is the message of this poem? What does it tell us about appearances and self-


Ans. The central message of this poem reminds us that we must not __________ a person

based on their physical appearances. We should value them for the kind of person that they

are. Appearances can be ___________________ and we should not allow them to condition

our _______________. We should respect every individual for what they are and we must not

demean anyone because of their appearance. The poem also teaches us to _____________

ourselves and to not let other ________________ make you feel bad about yourself.,

especially when they talk about how you ________________.​


Answered by crajucraju714


answers for these questions will be in your textbook

Answered by st2966477


1. Zebra, don't know , hot ....

Hope this helped you

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