Ex parte motion for extension
the plaintiff appears in for the hearing in the court but the defendant does not appear, thus the court hears the filed suit. The text about the extension to submit compromise agreement in the case of an exparte motion looks at the goal to persuade the reader.
In order to understand the text about the exparte motion, one most know the defined meaning of exparte motion.
This is a kind of motion which is passed by a judge, in the case that
- The plaintiff appears in the hearing in the court but the defendant doesn't appear, thus the court hears the filed suit.
- The judge hears this suit and passes a motion of the exparte decree.
The text about the extension to submit compromise agreement in the case of an exparte motion looks at the goal to persuade the reader. Bcz in the writings which are presented in such situations,the writer tries to share an opinion Ex. Their respective. Powever facts and examples are also included to 'convinve' the reader of their perspective.