examine any four conditions essential for smooth running of democracy
The 4 pillars of democracy: Intact, free standing, independent from each other, pillars of democracy - the legislature, the executive, the judiciary and the media. . A strong security and law and order framework and force, internal and external.
What are five conditions essential for the successful operation of a democratic government?
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5 Answers

Sharad, Public Policy& International Relations Analyst
Answered April 2, 2018 · Author has 122 answers and 86.4K answer views
According to Abraham Lincoln democracy means “ government of the people, by the people,for the people”. Following essential conditions were responsible for successful operation of democracy :
Written Constitution:- Every single democracy which have successful operation till now have written constitution and following are the functions of constitution :-
establish the rule of law
protect us from ourselves
protect the interest of minorities
check despotism
create effective checks and balances
inculcate spirit of cooperation
Conscience of Electorate:- Most important virtue of democracy lies in fact that voters are aware of fact that govt is their service provider not maibaap .Voters should be aware of their rights and must be educated how to excise their franchise and they must be vigilant.
Independence of judiciary :- Judiciary must be independent of legislature and executive and should have clearly defined roles for effective checks and balances .Judiciary many times act as buffer between govt and citizen. Judiciary not only resolves grievances between citizen and government but it also resolves conflict between two state government and between union and state govt.
Free and Fair elections:- Elections must be held regularly under the jurisdiction of independent election commission. If election will not held regularly then it will led to revolution so opposition should get chance to form govt through impartial election.
Vibrant Civil Society:- Vibrant civil society is needed for healthy and living discussion of policies of government and for making the citizen aware of their political rights.
Freedom of Press :- Press should not be directly or indirectly controlled by govt or corporate because if they pay for press the press will work for them and if citizen pay for press then press will work for citizen. During our independence struggle vernacular press played an important role in igniting the minds of masses for freedom struggle. Free press is FOURTH PILLAR of democracy .
Clear choices:- Now a days political parties do not differ much in their policies , programs and ideologies so voters do not have much alternatives available while selecting government and for democracy to become vibrant voters should have different choices available at their disposal.
The above mentioned points are in general applicable to all democracies of the world but their certain points which if happens then it will make INDIAN Democracy more vibrant:-
Removal of 3C i.e Communal ism,Corruption, Criminals from politics.
Transparency in political funding.
Setting of national electoral fund trust.
Mass political education to voters.
Removal of dynasty, nepotism, favoritism from political party.
Removal of personality cult from politics.
Intra party democracy.