Political Science, asked by pushpendrasingh15142, 2 months ago

Examine the major challenges of Terrorism in the 21st Century. answer this political science​


Answered by rashi1982007


Facing a complex set of global threats to our future, how do we find a way forward? It is clearly necessary to strengthen the capacity to enforce international law, to reform legal institutions and current mechanisms of international cooperation, which have turned out to be largely inadequate to manage the challenges that we face. Indeed, the United Nations itself and the specialized agencies created to attend to a variety of global problems find themselves increasingly unable to respond to crises, partly due to the lack of appropriate jurisdiction or mandate to act, sometimes because they are inadequately endowed with resources or because, within the limits of existing conceptual frameworks, they simply do not know what to do. A substantial and carefully thought-through reform effort is needed to enhance dramatically the basic architecture of our global governance system, grounded on fundamental points of law already agreed by states worldwide, and upon foundational principles embedded in the current international order. Such efforts need to strike the right balance between proposals that are so ambitious as to have negligible chances of being seriously considered and proposals that are seen as more “politically feasible” but that fail to find meaningful solutions to urgent contemporary problems.

Answered by presentmoment

Terrorism has been a challenge that is existing for ages and continues to exist even after a lot of steps are taken against it.


  • Terrorism is a problem that is being faced by the world for ages. A number of efforts have been taken in this direction to curb terrorism but there is only a bit of relief.
  • Earlier terrorism was associated with winning nations but now it is done in the name of religion and spirituality.
  • Various religious groups have been practicing terrorism and violent activities in the name of traditions due to which developmental activities are disturbed.
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