Example 10.2. A cantilever beam AB of spanl is carrying a point load W at B. The moment of
inertia for the left half is 21, whereas that for the right half is I. Find the slope and deflection at B in
terms of EI, W and L.
Point load at free end = W; Moment of inertia for left half = 2 I and
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1- hshshygyhhyhsjshs
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Did you mean: Example 10.2. A cantilever beam AB of span l is carrying a point load W at B. The moment of inertia for the left half is 21, whereas that for the right half is I. Find the slope and deflection at B in terms of EI, W and L. Point load at free end = W; Moment of inertia for left half = 2 I and
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