Example of addition and subtraction in computer organization
This section is organized as follows:
3.1. Arithmetic and Logic Operations
3.2. Arithmetic Logic Units and the MIPS ALU
3.3. Boolean Multiplication and Division
3.4. Floating Point Arithmetic
3.5. Floating Point in MIPS
Information contained herein was compiled from a variety of text- and Web-based sources, is intended as a teaching aid only (to be used in conjunction with the required text, and is not to be used for any commercial purpose. Particular thanks is given to Dr. Enrique Mafla for his permission to use selected illustrations from his course notes in these Web pages.
In order to secure your understanding of the topics in this section, students should review the discussion of number representation in Section 2.4, especially twos complement.
3.1. Arithmetic and Logic Operations
Reading Assignments and Exercises
The ALU is the core of the computer - it performs arithmetic and logic operations on data that not only realize the goals of various applications (e.g., scientific and engineering programs), but also manipulate addresses (e.g., pointer arithmetic). In this section, we will overview algorithms used for the basic arithmetic and logical operations. A key assumption is that twos complement representation will be employed, unless otherwise noted.
3.1.1. Boolean Addition
When adding two numbers, if the sum of the digits in a given position equals or exceeds the modulus, then a carry is propagated. For example, in Boolean addition, if two ones are added, the sum is obviously two (base 10), which exceeds the modulus of 2 for Boolean numbers (B = Z2 = {0,1}, the integers modulo 2). Thus, we record a zero for the sum and propagate a carry valued at one into the next more significant digit, as shown in Figure 3.1.
The Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are the four basic arithmetic operations. ... The arithmetic instructions are performed generally on binary or decimal data. Fixed-point numbers are used to represent integers or fractions. We can have signed or unsigned negative numbers.