English, asked by Mukesh1020, 1 year ago

Example of honesty is the best policy


Answered by ana205
"Do you have TATA salt?", i said to the shopkeeper. He gave me a packet of salt and in-turn i put 20 Rs. note in his hand. While i was returning to home i realised, shopkeeper had  returned 42 Rs., i thought, amidst the chaos he confused 20 Rs note with 50. Suddenly, i saw a child collecting rags who looked malnutritioned. I thought instead of returning that extra money to shopkeeper, i could give it to this needy ragpicker, beacause 34 Rs won't affect shopkeeper much but may be this kid can sleep today without empty stomach. Then i anlaysed and realised that this one time donation won't uplift the life of the kid. What if he will not use the money for food? or if he his father will take the money from him and use it for drinking  and if shopkeeper will realise that he had given me extra money and I have not returned , his trust on people would be tattered a bit more and that will cost much. Finally i decided to return the money to the shopkeeper and purchased a packet of parle-g from the money left and gave it to the ragpicker. I don't know what i did was right or wrong, well I was very small to judge it at that time.

hope spelling mistakes you can adjust 
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