Examples of an insect that breathes through its air holes
"Insects that breathes through its air holes are the insects that breathe through the network of tiny tubes called tracheae instead of lungs.
The air enters the tubes through a row of holes along an insects abdomen.
After that air diffuses down the blind-ended trachea.
The examples of insects that breathe through its air holes are Grasshopper, cockroach, caterpillar etc.
Insects like grass hopper, cockroach breathes through its air holes.
The breathing in insects occurs via trachea. These trachea opens in the body sides through spiracles. Trachepoles reaches the all other body parts via tubules from trachea. The respiration process involves the intake of oxygen via spiracles, then it is transported to various body parts by trachea and tracheoles.
The Carbon dioxide released out of body is released via same process of trachea and tracheoles. This process is found in insects like grass hopper, cockroach etc.