Sociology, asked by himanshin5885, 1 year ago

Examples showing that people are treated unequally on basis of language in india


Answered by sumanasaha06


Linguistic discrimination (also called glottophobia, linguicism and languagism) is unfair treatment which is based on use of language and characteristics of speech, including first language, accent, size of vocabulary (whether the speaker uses complex and varied words), modality, and syntax. For example, an Occitan-speaker in France will probably be treated differently from a French-speaker.[1] Based on a difference in use of language, a person may automatically form judgments about another person's wealth, education, social status, character or other traits, which may lead to discrimination.

In the mid-1980s, linguist Tove Skutnabb-Kangas, captured the idea of language-based discrimination as linguicism, which was defined as "ideologies and structures which are used to legitimate, effectuate, and reproduce unequal division of power and resources (both material and non-material) between groups which are defined on the basis of language".[2] Although different names have been given to this form of discrimination, they all hold the same definition. It is also important to note that linguistic discrimination is culturally and socially determined due to preference for one use of language over others.

Carolyn McKinley[3] is critical of a dominant language because it does not only discriminate against speakers of other languages, it also disadvantages monolinguals because they remain monolingual.[4] Instead of using the indigenous languages along with the colonial languages, as McKinley also advocates, most African states still use the colonial language as the main medium of instruction.[4] Furthermore, in authoritative reports by Unesco, it was found that the use of the former colonial languages in Africa benefited only the elite and disadvantaged the bulk of the populations.[4] Although English has worldwide meaning as a language of discourse, it is not neutral as it leads too much to a culture-dependent perspective in thinking and talking by the use of culturally bound value concepts, often blind value judgments and frames of reference inherent to and shaped by English culture, according to Anna Wierzbicka.


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Answered by mithileshkumardav



Civics > On Equality > Equality in Indian Democracy

On Equality

Equality in Indian Democracy

You must know that India is the largest democracy in the world. But what does that mean for us, its citizens? How do the concepts of democracy and equality affect our daily lives and livelihood? Let us learn about Equality and Inequality in Indian Democracy.

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What are Equality and Democracy?

We live in India, the largest democracy in the world. This means that in India, there is a rule of the people, by the people and for the people. There are many important requirements for a country to truly be democratic and the most important is Equality for its citizens. This means that everybody is equal in the eyes of law, without any discrimination on grounds of race, religion, gender, caste, class or birth.

Equality is so important because it preserves the “dignity” of an individual. Dignity means self-respect and the respect an individual deserves from others for being a fellow human being. It is an essential and basic human right. However, this ideal case doesn’t exist. Even today, many forms of inequality exist in India.

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