exaplin the Structure of the ecosystem
hey here is your answer :-
♣Ecosystem is a structural and functional unit of Biosphere.
♣ It is a stable Ecological unit where regular input of energy and circulation of matter take place.
♣The term Ecosystem was coined by A.G. tansley in 1935.
♣ All the interacting organism in an area together with the non living constituents of the environment form an ecosystem.
example - a lake, a field or a forest .
types :-✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔
➡natural ecosystem :-
the naturally existing ecosystem without any human support is called natural ecosystems .
➡artificial ecosystem :-
an ecosystem which is carried and maintained by woman is called artificial or man made ecosystems .
▶biotic component :-
biotic component include all the living organism resident in the atmosphere that is plant animal and microorganism .
(since environment refer to both physical and biological conditions it encompasses both living and nonliving component of the earth.)
➡abiotic component :-
the abiotic component of an ecosystem are the non living component on which living organism are dependent .
hope it helps u..✌✌
▶️Interactions of biotic and abiotic components results in physical structure that is characteristic for each type of ecosystem .
▶️Species composition:
Identification and enumeration of plant and animal species of an ecosystem gives its species composition
▶️ Stratification:
It is formation of vertical Areas where vegetation is dense
example :5-7 strata in tropical rainforest is stratification is absent or area in deserts .
▶️ Standing State:
It is the amount of inorganic nutrients present anytime in the soil or water of ecosystem it trends to vary from season to season and Ecosystem to ecosystem .
hope it helps you
# be brainly