Exercise 1.4
Nire bought a new hot water bottle that holds 1,500 millilitres of water. How many litres
is that?
2. Sunny runs 11,300 m each day for 5 days. How far did he travel in all? Express the answer
in kilometres.
3. A chemistry experiment required 245 g of chemicals to produce one litre of a gas. If Reena
wanted 24 litres of gas, how many kilograms of chemicals will she need?
4. Change 179 1 950 ml into ml.
3. There is 840 l of milk in 7 containers. Find the capacity of 1 container in millilitres.
6. The population of a city was 19,71,689 in 2015. It increased by 14,563 next year 2016,
but 23,081 people migrated to another town. What was the population of that city in 2016?
7. In a city, males and females together count 16,43,585. If there are 7,93,608 females, how
many males are there in the city?
8. A dairy sells 598 litres of milk every day. How much milk will it sell in the months of
October, November and December altogether?
9. 173 bags of rice weigh 43,250 kg. Express the weight of 1 bag of rice in grams.
10.A factory produces 12,825 bulbs in a day. After a month, total produced bulbs are
distributed equally to 5 dealers. How many bulbs does each dealer get? Assume that the
month has 30 days.
11. The number of sheets of paper available for making notebooks is 80,000. Each
sheet makes 10 pages of a notebook. Each notebook contains 200 pages. How many
notebooks can be made from the paper available?
111 mmollont number that can be formed using
Answered by
1 litre = 1000 mili litre
1500 ml= 1500÷1000=1.5
there was 1.5 litre milk
Answered by
hjhcb djdkfdjrkr sjfkdjd sjskd sjdkr eidi ej
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hope it is helpful for you
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