Exercise 1. Pick out the adverbs in these sentences and say what kind of adverb they are: 1. The doctor carefully examined my father. 2. A large crowd has gathered outside. 3. I shall soon return to my seat. 4. The hall was nearly packed. 5. I tried twice but could not access the site. 6. Where did you lose the tickets? 7. Cough and cold is a fairly common problem among children. 8. Dr Kothari is seldom wrong in his diagnosis. 9. The farmer tried hard to find a customer. 10. He straightaway went to his father. 11. I looked for my books everywhere. 12. When did you shift to this house? 13. He never eats fast food. 14. How is the weather today? 15. Some guests came late and left early. 16. Why did you put your bag here?
carefully- Adverb of manner
soon- Adverb of time
twice- Adverb of number
hard- Adverb of manner
everywhere- Adverb of place
never- Adverb of time
outside- Adverb of place
where- Interrogative adverb of place
seldom- Adverb of time
when- Interrogative adverb of time
An adverb is the part of speech which tells about the verb in the sentence.
Simple, interrogative and relative adverbs are the three main types of adverbs.
Adverb of manner, Adverb of place, Adverb of time, Adverb of the number, Adverb of degree, Adverb of reason are the Simple adverb.
Interrogative Adverb of manner, Interrogative Adverb of place, Interrogative Adverb of time, Interrogative Adverb of the number, Interrogative Adverb of degree, Interrogative Adverb of reason are the Interrogative adverbs.