Computer Science, asked by diyapalan25, 5 months ago

Q1. Select the propriate
3 The red colored frame
A Play head BTinhead с Panelhead
4 in Flash, which panel shows the characteristics of selected tool
(Al Tool Panel Bl Library Panel 10 Color Panel
Di Property
5. By using which of the following the objects on stage
stage can be arranged property?
(A)Grid Bi Tools ( (C) Property
(Di Play head
6. Which Flash menu is useful to put on or off any panel?
(A) Window (B) Control (C) Insert
7. In Flash, which shortcut key is used to select Line tool?
8. In Flash, which tool is used to change the border color of any diagram
(A) Outline Color (B) Color (C) Stroke Color (D) Border Color
9. In Flash, which options are shown at the bottom of the tool box when wesele
Brush tool?
(A) Brush Size (B) Brush Shape (CI A and B Dj Brush Type
10. In Flash, which of the following keys is used to deselect the diagram selected
using Selection tool?
(A) Chl
(B) Alt (C) Enter (D) Esc
11. Which of the following tools is useful to inserttexton Flash stage?
(A) Text (B) Write
(C) Lasso (D) Pon
12. Which of the following tool is used to stretch any diagram in Flash?
(A) Lasso (B) Free Transform (C)Selection (D) All of these​


Answered by medidhettyswamykumar


sorry I don't answer for this question

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