Chemistry, asked by rajnishkumar1382, 5 months ago

Exp. -
Aim: Determination of chlorine in water Sample by titration method.​


Answered by jagmeetkaur414


The dishes with the residue retained after completion of the test for total solids and total dissolved solids are subjected to heat for 1 hour in a muffle furnace held at 5500 C. the increase in weight over that of the ignited empty vessel represents fixed solids in each instance. The difference between the total dissolved/total suspended solids and the corresponding fixed solids will give the volatile solids in each instance. All the quantity should be expressed in mg./L Setteleable matter in surface and saline waters as well as domestic and industrial waters may be determined and reported on a volume basis milliliters per liter. Apparatus 1. Porcelain evaporating dishes of 150-200ML capacity 2. Steam bath 3. Drying oven 4. Desiccator 5. Analytical balance or monopan balance 6. Filter paper (preferable of glass fiber) 7. Electric muffle furnace 8. Imhoff cons Procedure a) Total Solids 1. Ignite the clean evaporating dishes in the muffle furnace for 30 minutes at 5500 C and cool in desiccator. 2. Note down the empty weight of the dish (W1) 3. Pour a measured portion (50 or 100ML) of the well-mixed sample into the dish and evaporate the contents by placing the dish on a stem bath. 4. Transfer the dish to an oven maintained at either 103–050 C or 179-810 C and dry it overnight. 3

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