Expalin the principles of the adapted physical education
Principles of Adapted Physical Education :
Every effort should be made to ensure that the adapted physical education programme is according to the needs and capacities of students.The equipment, facilities, rules and instructions of an adapted physical education programme should be modified according to the need.
The adapted physical education programme should be physically as well as psychologically sound.
The activities of adapted physical education should be decided after close coordination with medical staff.
Physical Education is the combination of two words , physical and education. Let us try to understand these two words separately.
Physical means relating to the body as opposed to the mind. Synonyms for physical are bodily, fleshly, and somatic. Education means the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university.
According to Swami Vivekananda "education is the manifestation of perfection already in a man" , Education has drawn out the best in man through his mind and spirit .
Physical education is understood as the process of receiving or giving systematic instructions on bodily movements, especially at a school or university.
It can also be understood as development of human potentials or capacities through the medium of physical activities.