expansion of idea slow and srlteady wins the race
Your question was--Expansion of idea slow and srlteady wins the race
The famous proverb ''Slow and steady wins the race'' taken from the important moral story of The Hare And The Tortoise from Aesop's Fables means that even a person with real talent and hope and confidence in himself/herself can achieve difficult goals by dominating the powerful opponent with persistent efforts. In other words it means we can break the barrier of difficulties and achieve success through constant efforts. It also teaches a person not to be over-confident about himself/herself and also not be hasty in his/her work thinking that they can win easily. No, that is not possible every time. So we should not be too much proud over our strength because sometimes a weak person with patience and efforts can also defeat his/her strong opponent.
The following is a story about the same idea:-
Heroism---By Lola14
Once upon a time there was king of the Kalinga kingdom. His name was Kalinga. He was very powerful. No one could ever defeat him in any war. Scared, no king ever dared to attack his kingdom.
There was no war. So, sitting on the throne, the Maharaja was in a state of extreme boredom. That is why king Kalinga called his minister one day and said, ''I am not feeling satisfied. I want a war now''. The minister scratched his head and said, "Who will fight against you? No one has attacked your state. If you attack someone's state, then the king of the state will send an ambassador to peace''. The raja said, " I know that. But even though, I want war''.
The minister thought hard and finally came out with a clever idea. The next day, he said, "Maharaj, send your beautiful princess on a world tour on your chariot. If any king spots the princess, garlands her and makes him his queen, it would be his over-confidence. Then, you can declare war on him.'' This intellect took control of the king.
He arranged the chariot and sent the princess on a world tour. But no king of any kingdom dared to make her the queen. Around time, the chariot went kingdom after kingdom till it finally reached a place called Patal kingdom. The king who ruled it was named Agyak. He had an intelligent minister named Nandi Sen. The announcement of the Kalinga kingdom went to his ears and then he suggested the king that he should make the princess of the Kalinga kingdom, his queen.
King Agyak said, ''After that? Who will fight the war? The Kalinga kingdom will attack my kingdom and break it into pieces! Nandi Sen told the king to trust in him. Then king Agyak made the princess of Kalinga his queen and brought her to the palace.
It did not take long for the news to reach the Kalinga kingdom. King Kalinga started warfare. Near Patal kingdom, lived an astrologer. The king went to the famous astrologer. The astrologer counted the king's fate and said, '' Don't worry, you will win''. King Kalinga went back to his tent after hearing what the astrologer had said. The calculation of the astrologer spread all around. Raja Agyak also heard the news. He called his minister and said, ''And what is the use of fighting anymore? Surely you have heard the calculations.
But his minister Nandi Sen said, ''Sometimes, the war cannot be won by had, Maharaj. You will see, the one who shows heroism will win. You see, we will win.'' Nandi Sen got the money from the king and went to the camp. He selected one thousand hero soldiers. He said, ''Are you ready to give up your life for the king?''. The together said, ''Yes, we are ready.''
---''Then be prepared for tomorrow's war''.
The next day, the fight started. The one thousand soldiers gave up their life and death and started to fight. But the soldier's of King Kalinga believed the astrologer's words and become confident that they would win. So that is why they did not care much about the war and acted casual. This is what Nandi Sen wanted. One thousand soldiers fought bravely and defeated King Kalinga's soldiers. The result was what was supposed to happen.
The Kalinga kingdom's soldiers were finally defeated by the Patal kingdom's soldiers. Nandi Sen came back after winning the war. He saluted King Agyak and said, ''You saw Maharaj, no one can ever be able to win a war if he/she relies on an astrologer. To win a war, heroism and wit is needed.''
The End.
Thank You
[Hope You Understand]