English, asked by amishanaik12, 1 year ago

expansion on Books are our best friends


Answered by kvnmurty
                        Use  of  Books (Books are our best friends)

     Books are our best friends, there is a saying.  Books are the ones which give us enormous amount of knowledge.  We go to school and learn a lot of new stuff.  We are taught a lot of things and we are told some things.  But to completely understand all concepts in the subjects, we need to read and consult the books. 

     The people who tell, teach or advise  us are not always there with us.  But the books are always with us.  We can refer to them and clarify our doubt or remind ourselves of some point we have forgotten  or learn a point which we have not looked into so far.

     Books may be costly to buy.  But good books are worth more than the money.  They give some thing more than money can give.  When we are traveling and have to spend time on the journey ,  it is good to read books.  When we are at home and have nothing very important or urgent to do,  it is better to read books.  The time is well spent and we gain interesting things.

     We need to put the books to good use.  We need to organize them well.   We need to read the right kind of books at the right time.   Often some people with disturbed mind try to read the great and sacred epics like Ramayana or some Stothras (prayers) of Gods to keep their mind occupied and to regain peace of mind.

     Books written by great persons generate noble thoughts in us.  They give us analytical skills.  They help in conceptualization of concepts and practical problems.  People some times ridicule some serious book readers.  It is important to be practical in applying the knowledge gained from the books and not just remain readers.

     Good use of books means learning the appropriate knowledge, let it be technical, language skills, or general knowledge or fun related stuff.   We shine with bright face and have more confidence in ourselves when use the books.    It is also very important to note down important points, thoughts, doubts or footnotes in a good note book when we read the book.

     We should use the books carefully without damaging them.  We should keep them safe from wet environment and keep them away from dust.  We should not make a lot of drawings or funny and crazy remarks on the books, ridiculing any body or any concept.  One good advantage of using books is that we can select what we want, we can read what we want and whenever we want.

     In the modern world, books are also changing their appearance from hard copy in paperbacks to ebooks on Internet.  It depends on whether we are comfortable reading a hard copy or a soft-copy on the computer/mobile/tab etc.  Finally, I will say that,  we have progressed in this age this much because of the great laws, concepts, sciences, thoughts, inventions, discoveries and their efforts that were documented by our ancestors in the form of books.  Those books have accelerated the the progress of our civilization.

kvnmurty: click on thanks button above please
Answered by hasiavishikta



Books are the gift of life, honour of a bibliophile and a man's best friend. Books are like mirror, we see our reflection in it and it portray's us comprehensively. A man's bookshelf will reveal everything you ever wanted to know. A drawing room demands good furniture and extra material to look magnificent but it is imperfect without a bookshelf having good books. Good books, like good buddies, are few and chosen; the more you select, the more entertaining it gets. When we don't have shoulder to wail on we can depict all our hardships on a book and the strain on brain and heart will be miniaturized. Books reduce soreness from  our life and provide us a happy lastingly.


Love fuccha


Books are not only one's best friend but also contribute wisdom. They provide  us the knowledge which can't be extracted by others. They are a man's prized possession.

Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counsellors. A person not in any way will ever stay alone if he has a great addition of books. Books enlighten us deep within.


If a man's character is exemplified by the company he has then why not make a company of a few good books. Books take away the misery from our life and takes us in to a fancy world or to a country or place we want to visit without having to pay the passage. The happiness which is given by a book can't be compared with anything. While reading a book, we amiss in that book and get hitch up with that atmosphere and when it comes to its end we feel miserable.  The friendship of good books is the medicine of life but there are books more dangerous than snakes and more poisonous than scorpions. We should choose the book wisely, because instead of increasing knowledge, they may contaminate our mind and leads us to a disaster. Just like friends, good books enrich our personality and we looks forward in a positive life.

Books are never failing friends. They don't violate us .


No matter what a person's rank or position may be, the lover of books is the richest and the happiest.

Robert Southey, an avid lover of books wrote:

“My never failing friends are they,

With whom I converse day by day,

With them I take delight in weal,

And seek relief in woe.”

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