English, asked by roshnimandavkar5454, 4 months ago

experience is the best teacher essay 100 word​


Answered by rajputarchit67


Experience is the best teacher” is an idiomatic expression that has been used since time memorial. The proverb in layman’s language means that the most lessons in life are learnt through events that happen rather than from studying or listening to other people’s stories. The lessons, failures and the successes we go through in life are what experience entails. Acquiring experience is not always about the information you have. When you are introduced to something new, that is when your experience begins. When it comes to getting experience on a professional level, you usually have to pay. For life’s experiences, they come free and have the greatest impact. These are the experiences that help us to tackle the different issues in life.

Ways in which experience helps to improve problem-solving abilities

Experience helps us to solve problems in various ways:

Recurrent experience. The insight from experience helps you to handle the same problem in future when it reoccurs in a better way.

Solution-focused lens. Experience teaches you how to look at problems as situations that can be tackled no matter how bad they are.

Reduce emotional decision-making. Once you experience bad decision-making due to emotional influence, you are unlikely to make the same mistake in the future.

Trust your intuition. This is different from emotion. Experience teaches you to listen to your inner voice when solving problems.

Once you have experienced life’s problems, you learn that all of them are solvable. You become persistent in finding solutions in future problems.

Choosing battles. Experience teaches you that not every problem needs to be acted upon immediately or even at all.

Experience enables you to learn how to become proactive by not turning concerns into problems.

How to be receptive to new experiences

Life changes all the time. In order for growth to occur it is necessary to be open to gaining new experiences. Here are some ways to do this:

Understand your comfort zone. When you understand the source of your responses to life’s situations you become more open to moving on.

Understand that no one is good at anything at first. This will help you to keep exploring into new experiences.

Set attainable goals. When venturing into new experiences take small steps instead of big leaps.

Embrace curiosity. Get rid of fear and let your curiosity guide you into new experiences.

It is good for you. Keep reminding yourself that gaining new experiences will benefit you.

Put your anxiety into perspective to be able to analyze outcomes in a better way.

Never get tired. You only gain experience by trying something new over and over again.


Life is a learning process. We gain new experience in different situations on a daily basis. Using that experience can help us to lead better lives while avoiding the mistakes of the past. Experiences help you to grow as a person, and you gain wisdom by paying attention to the lessons that life throws at you.


Answered by mnivetha2409


Explanation: Are you prepared to be operated on by a surgeon who has read all about it in books but has never done it before? Have you had your car repaired by someone reading from a manual but who has never been an apprentice? No! We define experience as direct personal participation. We define best as most excellent and we define teacher as someone or something that teaches others.

The first example about why experience is the best teacher is because you may be trained extremely well but without experience you .are likely to do worse than a person with less training but a lot of experience. The second example is about our law system. The final example is about some real-life experiences.

If a child touched an iron and was burnt by it, he or she is more likely to remember not to do such a thing in future than another who is told time and time again not to touch it. Many times, as teachers would know, when you teach a pupil something on one day and he nods his head and says “yes I know”, and ask him the next day, there is a high chance that he has forgotten. However if he has learned it by an experiment or by experience, he is likely to remember for a very long time, sometimes even to adulthood. There is nothing better than experience -experience is the best teacher.

We gain this through our lives and by putting ourselves in different live situations to get it. We can read about how to debate but it is never as adequate as the experience of it, standing in front of an attentive audience, conscious of saying the right thing, even feeling self-conscious and embarrassed but having done this several times, gaining the experience to deal with it and to improve from it. We try saying the debate to ourselves, to our colleagues and family before coming here today just to get the experience! Practice makes man perfect.

A second example our law system is based upon experience through punishment. Take for example a criminal being sentenced to five years imprisonment. He will be less likely to commit such a crime in future because of this. This is only possible if the lawyer or prosecutor is an experienced person.

A third and final example of why experience is the best teacher is you cannot be a barrister, a doctor or an engineer as soon as you finish University. You have to become an articles clerk and work under an experienced advocate to gain that kind of knowledge, an intern or an apprentice in a recognized hospital or medical institute to get sufficient experience first. You have to get an L or P driver’s license before you gain sufficient experience to obtain a full license.

Practical experience in a field or subject is the final step in mastering it, because certain tasks cannot be done effectively without practice and hands-on experience.

Experience is most definitely the best teacher.

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